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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. Thanks for that Bella. Thoroughly enjoyed it. God, he really is bloody lovely, isn't he? JD that is.
  2. What? Pirate? Or lady?
  3. Hey CW, Have a rum on me!
  4. CW, that one is decidedly......
  5. Yup. Modified to adapt to the pyratical flavour. (You clearly keep the same sort of company as me!)
  6. So. Captain Jack Sparrow walked into a bar one day carrying a live crocodile. "Bartender!" he said," A pint o' ye best rum please." The bartender said "Hang on Jack, you can't bring that in here" "oh it's ok" says Jack, "he's quite tame. Look".... Jack placed the croc on the bar, prised open its savage jaws, unzipped himself and placed his most prized possession into the croc's mouth. He then proceeded to produce a large baseball bat and whacked it down onto its head. The crocodile did not flinch. Just for good measure, Jack again brought down the baseball bat onto the croc's head. Again, it did not move. "You see?" said Jack and looking around the bar said,"Would anyone else like to have a go?" Immediately, a little ol' lady appeared from the back of the bar. "Ay lad", says she, "but promise you won't hit me too hard with the bat!"
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