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Captain Whyley Raven

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Everything posted by Captain Whyley Raven

  1. With more information on my side I have to agree with Patrick. The organizers were the ones who killed it for me already! I've never been to an event yet where the VENDORS had to jump through so many hoops and rules AND PAY $500 TO VEND!!!!! Basicly the vendors are paying to put on the event! THAT BLOWS!!! I'll be checking it out, won't be selling and it may be here "annually" for ONE time!
  2. I wit CaptainSatan on this one! My Port o Call is near the Napa Valley so we be drinkin lots o wine and storin plenty in thar cellars......make mine RED as blood, my ales as Dark as night and my Rhum.....just don't try passin any o those fruity ones on me!
  3. Tha sound a tha Sea gently lapping against me hull! OK, back off I just noticed that sounds kinda homoerotic! Thar be only wenches lapping against me hull!
  4. "Free Beer for your Designated Captains (upon arrival at The Party)!" This just sounds like too much fun! Too bad me gots to sail down south to thar port o San Diego for a more beachcomber like event!
  5. This just runs me through to the bone! All these great events and I sit on the other coast too far away. Then ther's a good sounding, free pirate fest, on a water front setting, in town in need of a good plunderin and from the lack of enthusiasm it may be the 1st and the last.
  6. Aaaarrg! I'll be sailin into San Diego near the end of August......can't be makin two trips! Otherwise, adults only, hot pirate babes, free ale & RUM.....I would certainly get me $45 bucks worth outa ye! Maybe before then I'll have worked me way from Bilge Rat to a more respectable position and I'll find someone with a good ship to stow away on! By that time tis likely full up on her limited crew of 250.....if TigerLee had a digital photo class round the same time??? Aarrrr then maybe we could strike a deal!
  7. Aye Lass, This is the 1st Pirate Fest in Vallejo and we needs all the help we can get! When I'm in port I'm just walkin distance to the water from me 112 year old Queen Anne Victorian. My weather forcaster is currently showing the temps in mid-70's for the next 10 days, winds, if any are mild. This here town be in desperate needs of revitalization, (big word for a pirate I know!). We need you, your support and your encouraging others to go! Otherwise this will likely be the 1st and the last Pirate festival in Vallejo. And the death of any Pirate Festival brings all closer to a watery grave!
  8. Aye Ace, We be starvin indeed fer some good entertainment and tourist gold. I hopes to be vending and will certainly be thar bein that this be thar port I call home these days.
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