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  1. I have seen them play quite a few times at jacobite rebelion events and at the alafia river rendevouse...
  2. Piping the side was a call first used in the British Navy when two ships are sailing togther and one Captain would come over and visit the other the Captain would be hoisted on board in a net or basket if rough weather prevented the use of ladders. Piping was necessary in setting taut and hoisting away the cargo net or basket containing the boarding officer. Thus, we acquired the custom of piping the officer alongside and over the gangway. The officer of the deck ordinarily summoned from the crew several hands to assist the visitor in making the landing on deck. If he were young, a lieutenant perhaps, two men were required to help him; if older, a commander perchance, having increased his girth as well as his grade through the years, he might require four. If, however, he happened to be a captain or an admiral, he may have required six or eight to enable him to secure a stable footing. Thus, there came about the custom of having “side boys” to meet officers. When the custom became a regulation courtesy, the side was similarly attended upon their departure. Nuff Said
  3. thanks gents for the Reply...... Another fine piece on Uncle Jose is here http://www.lib.usf.edu/ldsu/digitalcollect...v02n2_80_05.pdf
  4. Your not to far oof the las time i was up there for a Rev war event ...a few of us came into town after we se up camp a 18th Cen ball...we were doing a bit of looking about before had (and well having a few Drams and pints) and we ended up in that park........some one was looking at the monument from the rear (as you can see in last picture) And stated to his wife and two kids who asked what it was....."Well its the Grave of a a unknown Confedrate who died durring the battle of fort SUMMER..... At this point i think made noises about throwning my self into traffic but lucky for me My freinds no how to get my mind off of "Tourons" and pointed me twords somehting else that would catch My attention....
  5. Hullo list while doing some home work for some projects that I'm working on Actual sites on the west coast of florida that buccanees and pirates used as hide outs ect Davis Walker sent me a copy of a time line that he has been working on for Sealers Buccaneers for the back ground infor foe Sears rad in St Augusinetine... that made a refference to • In the fall of 1681, French buccaneers established themselves on Anclote Key, just south of Tampa Bay, three miles west off Tarpon Springs, to prey on shipping in the Gulf. Within six months, they had taken at least seven prizes, including a loaded supply frigate bound for St. Augustine. I have also found some futher in Ghost towns of Florida Aurytown Aurytown is a barren site (A.E. nonthing is there to see no info on any digs that have been prefomred there..It was a pirate town located on the north side of />Honeymoon Island, across from Crystal Beach, which is due west of Tampa. It was founded and named after the French pirate,Louis de Aury . Several dozen buildings were located here in the early 1800s. Interesting enough this is roughly a couple a miles from Anclote Key Louis de Aury I do Belive was second in comand of Gregor Macgregors 1817 invasion of florida... (well Amelia Island at least) Another class A pirate town on the east side of Egmont Key at the mouth of Tampa Bay. It had about 20 buildings and dates to the early 1800s. Nothing remains. Next Gulf town This ancient pirate town was established by Ben Margoza, a mid 1600s English pirate. He set up the town on the south bank of Little Manatee River, between Tampa & Bradenton. A community actually remained until the 1920s. Does anyone have any furhter info on these sites let alone any further info on sites like these on the west coast? YHS Collin
  6. First off..i'm really glad i opened this can Of worms..... First off Safety meetings Training ect.... I'm really glad that this was broached ... I agree with the Capt on the Safety meetings ALOT!!!!!! Iwas a SO for one of the Boats durring John Leviqe days... and I Gota Tell you Everyone that was on that boat(that was orignaly suposed to fire) had to go through a black powder class and went to a safety meeting the moring of the event we were joined by a couple of other folks who were" known" in the pirate comunity and had no problems with them.....the only problem came from Lord God King of the Farby pirates )who happened to own the boat with his double barrel shotgun and a cannon that came from Garage sale of some Gasperilla pirate float that was eginited by banging a hammer on the back of said cannon.....Nedless to say my crew did fantastic(a first time for most of them with black powder no issues what so ever) as did our guests...MR polester Mac pirate man..well even with hearing protection....I still a little out of it three weeks latter.... so the moral of that tie raid..Yes to safety meetings (no meeting no shooty bang bang) Yes to Safety officer...they are there for your protections and the public... Yes to run thoughs for hand to hand...Very important... And lastly Galvaniztion.....I'm serriously thinking about it
  7. Isnt Hanover land locked
  8. Desperately fighting down the urge to write "AH but ve haf vays of making you talk!" lol.... when did Col Klink join the royal Navy? did her come over with George the 1st?
  9. Ahhhh ever the "Sassenach " No pardon no....info.....
  10. hmmm now there be an idea... a spy in the camp... just which one?? Now Now Now Now...that would indeed Be Tellin....wouldnt it... All this sailor knows is it is indeed hard to work in the service of a King who doesnt even Speak at least one of the tounges that His people speak...But if the King across the water comes to roost again I maybe beable to see fit to return to service.....(or I could be press ganged ...or a pardon....would be nice too......)
  11. hullo all not to give to much away....but. i was wondering exactly What should one expect......are they Scripted battles or are they going to to be un scripted with some sorta pre deposed ending? Or amd i reading to much into this and just keep my firelock at the ready..and when its time to blow powder so be it....
  12. I had the same pair for years as part of My 16th cen Sapnish age of exploration kit ....And they went though hell and back..I cant tll how many times they were soaked beyond belief and they never did any damage to my feet....Although i did step ona nail durring drakes raid one year and it rent right through them,,,
  13. Err sorry about that ....my question was about folk lore and sources...l
  14. Hullo all Im looking for info on the Shanty called Sams Gone away... I first heard it admitly at the Alafia river Rendevous when Father son and freinds sang it and fell inlove with it ...and one have any clue how old it is orignal lyrics ect thanks YHS Collin
  15. Ahoy...all Does anyone have any ideas of book on the subjects or perhaps anyone that presented any articials on the subject matter online,,,, YHS Collin
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