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About laughingcrowe

  • Birthday 04/18/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    NE Philly
  • Interests
    pyrates, music, history, pyrates, writing, baseball, pyrates, family, camping, pyrates, da beach, playing my harmonica, pyrates
  1. Welcome 'board, Mate! Now, let's be gettin' down ta some serious drinkin!!!
  2. Amen I second this!!!
  3. Thankee fer yer warm sentiments an, o' course, fer de drink!
  4. Aye, the taller de better!!
  5. Aarr!! Welcome 'board!! (bangs empty tankard)
  6. Arrr! I canna' read tis fer I ain't seen it yet! Goin' next weekend! Let ya know then!!
  7. It be spent fairly tame. Not a bad omen to be seen even tho I spent da day steppin on cracks an walkin' under ladders. How odd?
  8. I be reminded of Indiana Jones ... a sword is good fer determining one on one combat, but when ye don't have de tyme, a blunderblus works just fine.
  9. Aargh! The more drinks de better!! Yer a good lad! Welcome 'board!
  10. Welcome aboard, Matey! I'll take mine straight from de tap!!
  11. Welcome to the Pub, ye ol' BloodnBones. Sail up to the bar and drink a tankard on me!!!
  12. Aye, a squid I be with long tentacles to please da gurlies!!! har-har!
  13. Intro what? What in blazes!?! Who's in charge o' dis bleedin' ship? Well first (tosses pieces of silver on the bar) drinks all around an any man dat takes more than his share is a bloody bilgerat! (or a pyrate). Second, I fergot meself before. Me name is Mike but ya can call me Swashbucklin' Domingo da Dark or Laughing Crowe fer short. I'll answer t'any but ne'er call me late fer dinner. I be a weather guesser currently impressed by da Royal Navy (us navy) Curses be upon our filthy King. Dey be havin' me but fer a scant few months 'for I be free to sail North to Philadelphia where I bes plunderin and hollerin ta me harts content wit' me loyal wench, Lisabeth de Bold. I be fond o tales o de sea an pyrates. I be harbored in No'folk, Virginny an' can't wait to 'ave da wind in me sails again. I be lookin' fer mates to befriend or at least plunder fer a while wit. Ya'll be sure to come callin' (tosses more pieces o' silver) More rounds o' drinks! Drink up me harties .... Yo' Ho'
  14. Ahoy there Mateys! After a bit o' exile I be returnin' ta Sea lookin' fer plunder! (Okay, it was a 3 year exile!) I be livin' in Neer-folk, Virginny but be goin' baks ta Philly soon to be wit' me lovin' wench, Lis. After an impressment o' 20 years, de Royal Navy (aka US Navy) will be releasin' me whereby I intend ta return ta da sea and drink and plunder ta me harts content or an early grave in Davey Jones Locker (whichever comes first). Lookin' ferward ta boardin' yer vessels in piracy! Mike Kotyk aka (Swashbucklin' Domingo da Dark)
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