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    18th century gunsmithing
  1. Capt'n Jack Sparrow, There are some slight differences, The trigger guard bow, the finial on the putt cap and from sight. The guard and cap that where used was already developed by Bill and used on this pistol. The side plate master pattern was also made by Bill and engraved by Mike Lea who also did the engraving on rest of the pistol. At first, The studio sent Bill only pictures of the original pistol (which I have here) and said build me a pistol just like it, so he did. Later Bill also recieved the "Rubber Dummy" prop pistol. The pictures that I have posted earlier of the pistol "IS" the pistol sent to the studio. Johnny Depp had sent Bill an auto graphed poster commenting on what a great job he did making the pistols, but Bill didn't live long enough to see the poster. Bill past away one week after opening day of the movie last year, Bill did get to see the movie.
  2. Capt'n Jack, Like I posted on the other forum, There was a mistake on the stock when the pics where taken for that part set, and will post new pics with the proper stock for the Perry-London Part set. The stocked pictured is for the Rev. War pistol. The lock that was used for this pistol is the small Siler with the pan and frizzen reshaped.
  3. Hey Wolf2Hawks, I sent you a PM Thanks, Don
  4. Hi Billy Bones, Was the pistol repaired?
  5. Yepper...... aint thata co-inkydink. He just called me at the shop awhile ago. Sorry, but it's only available in right hand only.
  6. You must have seen Bill's ebony and sterling French type "D" pistol while at Dixon's. That is some beautiful pistol. Bill barely finished the pistol before he past away, he made it for his wife. I have never seen anyone with more passion for what they did than Bill. I'll be at Dixon's this year and most likely will have that pistol there, maybe I'll see you there.
  7. "Would you care to post some prices, Mr. Yerks (with deference of course to the usual "prices subject to change" notice), or would you like us to post you individually?" Thanks Captain Jim, The price for the Perry London "part set" is available in Brass and Sterling silver. Brass is $383.00 and Sterling is $542.00. (Locks not included) Uses a small "Siler" lock. The lock on this pistol was reworked (rounded pan) since the siler is a Germanic style lock with a faceted pan
  8. Here are some pics. of the pistol that was made for the move. It's fully funtional with a 9",.62 cal smoothbore barrel, walnut stock mounted in Sterling Silver. The pistol was made from specs. of the original. Mike Lea did the engraving and Bill Kennedy made the pistols. Bill past away in July of 06 and I am very honored and proud to have had him pass on his passion to me. I still build these same pistols. ENJOY THE PICTURES!
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