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- Birthday 05/16/1912
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She had always wondered at these men who would come and go from her home in these large boats. She had managed to sneak aboard the vessel when it came to her island. In daylight she hid, after most had fallen asleep she went to seek food once again. Nibbling on a dry biscuit she watched from her hiding place, then she saw him. Tar! Those older than her were angry he had fled but were pleased with the second that they had found. Tar disappeared behind a door with a goddess in glittering white, she sat in awe. From behind the door came noise of a struggle. A big man, with darker skin than her own pounded on the door yelling words she did not understand she slid back into the shadows hoping that none had seen her.
Mister Cage had escaped his prison and had managed to row out far enough that the Rakehell missed him. He heard the cannon shot and began to row towards it. Anyone who would fight against the women of the island was a friend of his but when he saw a man rowing away from the ship he knew he had better not chance it so he rowed out even further to where he hoped ships were common and now saw a ship headed his way. He had but to wait and to hope they would take him aboard.
TRIBE was not happy, but the future growth of their kind had been seen to he big man. Pursuit was an option but not a necessity. TRIBE had other matters to attend to. Where was the one called Cage?
In the grass hut: TRIBE watched as he batted his eyes. The one who knows language translated his words and light giggles filled the crowded hut. This one would suit them better. This one was chosen. Tara encouraged him to drink deeply. The milk would give him strength. He would need his strength, the next generation of the TRIBE needed him. Elsewhere on the island: A worn man in a cocked hat paddled his boat towards the Ransom’s ship. He was glad the woman of the TRIBE had not moved the jolly boat he had been sent ashore on. He had not been treated well by the women of the TRIBE. His former crew mates had enjoyed their company but when he was sent ashore as a murderer they put him in that cage. The Ship anchored off shore would have no knowledge of the reason for his captivity. He would not tell the crew of this ship. He’d if they asked why he was kept captive he would tell them that the lady
We had one that we wanted and hoped he would be willing to help us. The caged man had been released. The signs indicated that Tar had unknowingly let loose the one that was left here as a killer. We will track him by daylight. The magic did not stop Tar. The boat that had taken Tar knows we are here. The other ship may still be unaware of us. We hope that they will come ashore. We will make stronger magic to stop the ship that passed without stopping, the ship that set the big man we now had in our company in the small boat. Then they will come ashore. The sister who knows the magic of the sea began again, her focus on the ship that did not stop.
The one who is of the ocean and swims in silence below the waves had slipped from the canoe with one goal in mind. The large man swatted at what he at took for a bug biting at his neck but too late he realized that it was no bug. A small dart stuck in the skin of his neck. She propelled herself towards him, her long arms like tentacles darted to the large man in the small boat. The boat rocked violently and before anyone knew what happened he was in the water with her. She kept behind him her arm hooked around him from under his arm to the opposite shoulder keeping him under the water as long as she dare then pulling him up to for air and submerging him before he could cry out giving away their location to his companions. Quickly the sleep magic took effect, this potion of the tribe, soon the man slept in her arms as she took him away.
The one of us who has eyes so keen as the hawk at night smiled as she examined the intruders. This boat was different. This boat had many women on it. TRIBE preferred that there be no women. Preferred that the men be hungry after their long voyage. This craft had three females and only one male. The large man is desirable but the others did he belong to one of them? The intruders started for the shore. The sound of a sea bird was heard above the surf followed by the answer of another inland. The one who knew the old ways rose from the place of the carving and stealthily made it for the shore knowing that the magic was strong and Tar would be thwarted in his progress. The young beautiful one remained in the tree house waiting for her welcoming into womanhood. TRIBE woke feeling the effects of the large coconuts that had been dropped on her and felt the fool for leaving such things within the reach of the male. None have ever wanted to escape except the one in the tree. He was ...unusual. Tribe preferred not to keep captives but this man would be their undoing if he were not kept to himself. they stood at the call of a seabird at night and headed to the shore to join their sisters. The drums continued in their pulsing in the distance, the heartbeat of this exotic and lush island.
The cage swung around creaking on the branch from which it was hung. The lone and scraggly figure wagged a finger towards the branches. He had a raspy voice and had to repeat himself to be heard over the tree frogs. "Well there's a rope and a latch up there Jacky Tar. If ye loosen it this cage'll fall and break open I'd wager! Then I'll tell ye where there be a boat." He waited for the reply from his rescuer with an anxious look on his face. ......... Tribe sat by her image of Jacky and waited.... ........ Sisters of TRIBE watched intently the slight movement in the boat. They leaned forward and listened with ears trained to hear tiny sounds. The special one who understood many sailors languages turned and said "They go ashore what we do?" The others huddled and spoke in their language. Then they spoke together "We are Tribe, We are one" and watched the intruders for their next move.
Tar escaped in the darkness. As he cut through the jungle brush with his cutlass, TRIBE carved his likeness in a tree and added magical candles and dust as she sang his name :: Tar Tar Tar :: She hoped he wouldn't find the boat until morning. There was only one. One who knew where it was. A lone figure trapped in a cage heard someone crashing through the brush. He called out "Oi there! help me! " looking up he saw a man in a tricorner peering down at him. "Lad! Help me out! I am captive here for months! I know where there is a boat ! We can both escape this daft place, but hurry man!"
To Jacky's surprise the trip to the beach was not so easy. There was the first step out of the hut. Quite a fall from atop this tree. Then there were the two sentinels stationed at the bottom of the drop.
In the canoe: The TRIBE sisters slowed to a near halt as they sat silently in the water waiting to see what move the interlopers would make next. They saw the glint of steel in the moon light. They would not attack, simply watch. The night would keep the others on the shore from any attempt to track TAR this night. Besides, if this boat was like others before it, there would be good additional breeding stock amongst the interlopers. Meanwhile back at the tiki hut: Jacky had been striped of weapons and ...most of his clothing. They lay in a heap on the other side of the hut. Tara held in her hands a half coconut shell of liquid which she offered to Jacky. Seeing he would not drink of it she first took it to her lips and drank deeply. Pulling it away from her glistening lips leaning ever closer to Jacky she again offers the juice to Jacky once again.
That was all he recalled. Jacky Tar woke in a different place. With no memory of how he got there. He looked around and realized he was surrounded by exotic flowers and candles. When he looked up TRIBE was staring at him. She had the same flowers in her hair and a look of love upon her face. She thought she was so lucky that the man who said his name was Tar was sent to her. He saw the tattoo on her arm which looked like a T. She pointed to herself "Tara"
Sisters of TRIBE paddled quietly over the water towards the intruders. 6 statuesque women whispered in their language as they approached the other boat from a distance.
The day grew rapidly darker as Helios' chariot disappeared below the horizon. Jack's fire seemed small in the growing darkness. He did not know that he had been spotted and rescue was so near. The sound of a splash, other than the tides rush, drew Jacky's attention and a female form could be seen emerging from the water. Silky had returned. Jacky stood to greet the lass but as the figure drew he saw clearly that it was not Silky. This figure was clad in animal hide but not the way Silky would have draped the seal hide to cover her form. This proud woman was dressed in, what can most easily be described as a halter top and mini shirt of various hides. Dark hair glistened in the fire light as the water continued to drip from her hair leaving a trail that meandered from her neck, to her cleavage, down her bare midriff and again beneath the hide to places unknown. As she approached she appeared to have everything in the right place but ...DHAMN, this woman was tall! At least 6 feet, perhaps more. She smiled down upon Jacky. Jacky held tight his knife, facing this lethal beauty who remained just outside the fire light. "Maoon iubeuonw oiala ai." she said something, then went down on one knee before him. The Rakehell saw the fire go out and nothing more.
The brush behind Jacky parts. He is seen pacing along the surf looking to the sea for his rescuers. Stopping from time to time to shake his head. Then sitting beside the fire. As he looks to the brush, feeling eyes upon him, the onlooker is unseen, he decides for the second time he is mistaken and adds another log to the fire.