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Captain Jack Snake

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About Captain Jack Snake

  • Birthday 11/22/1959

Profile Information

  • Location
    Newbern, Tennessee
  • Interests
    Aaaarrrr, Let's see. That'll be Pillage'n , Pluderin', Grog drinkin',
  1. Captain Huck a listenin' fer coin ta hit the bar
  2. Ahoy thar all, Captain Huck of the SWAMP WITCH, Pyrate Lord of the Pyrates on the Mississippi, will surely be thar , Says I. I be a waitin' to be a meetin' up wit' mates I 'aven't seen since last year. Seems our courses do not cross, 'cept during the gatherin' of pyrates during the Brethern Court at Pyratecon. All of the Pyrate Lords will be a bringin' thier Ten million Dollars wit them, to be a presentin' to the Captain Black Fox. All Pyrate Lords be a subscribin' to this 'ere rag. And if'n ye ain't a Pyrate Lord then ye need to be a seein' the Black Fox, as 'e can be a helpin' ye on yer way too becomin' one. Last year was a Grand meetin' wit 750 piyrates from around the globe. This year will be grander yet. Wit' two hotels sold out and other Pyrates satin' whar they can be stayin'. We may be a lookin' at Three thousand or more Pyrates.ARRRRRGGGHHHH.
  3. I will surely be thar next year. The first year may have had some minor trips and falls to'em, but all an all, it were a great time to be had by all, says I
  4. Ahoy Mates, Seems like I must've got meself lost in a fog bank since pyratecon. It was me an me first mate piratical adventure in garb. And we be meetin' with some of the many names we here so much about. We left New Aaarleans with some Grand memories, and new found friends. we met the Black Fox and his first mate Cynthia from Pyrates Way. (Fine rag), Marquis Michael Macloud, Jamaca Rose, Mad Salley and Chumbucket, The King, Cap'n Slappy, Scarlett Harlott, Clay from Studio City Tattoos, Mad Eye Mitch and many others. This weekend will will be attendin' ( invadin') the Tennessee Rennaissance Festival for Pirate Weekend. I am hopin' to be meetin' some more pirates thar also. Pictures..............I have several pictures on myspace......some I pillaged so I could share. Captain Jack Snake is also myspace id. feel free to be lookin'
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