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Short Ben Potato

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About Short Ben Potato

  • Birthday 10/20/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    landlocked in Georgia
  • Interests
    Piracy, historically accurate piracy, pretty much any period of history from the ancient Egyptians to the Napoleonic Wars, and some fantasy.
  1. I think I just might use that as an avatar until I get a picture up.
  2. meh.. nothing much has happened to me today except looking at this board.. DRAT!! I JUST JINXED MYSELF!!
  3. I play the lie-to-save-my-neck-from-being-stretched-cordion (I had thought that musicians were not as likely to be punished as pirates) I keep my chicken from the stewpot with cutlasses, muskets, pistols, and even a 74 gun ship of the line! By the bye, his name is Stewie. No pictures for a while, as I dont have my kit together. BUT THEY WILL BE FORTHCOMING!
  4. On the origins of my name: I am indeed shorte, and my habits are as those of a potato, also my name is in fact Benjamin. By the way, isn't the potato-derived alcoholic beverage poteen? Oh, and the chicken is mine and it is on my shoulder.
  5. I saw them, thought of miniature cannons, drooled more, and then the price seared my retinas...and my heart... they are at http://www.rchobby.co.uk/radio_controlled_...l_sailing_.html Now I shall return to seclusion, and lurk for a while. I think.
  6. I understand completely. Nobody wants to give their address to someone who has just popped up out of the blue! He might be a homicidal maniac,well, marginally more homicidal than the local pirates (or worse, someone who might send :gasp: junkmail) I was being too hasty.
  7. hmmm...I am not a pirate! I am an Honest Sailor! I was pressed! I-I-I-I'm a musician!!! Um, er, we are not pirates! We are privateers! Er, we lost our letter of marque! WE are Not pirates! We are wealth redistribution workers, the ship was on fire before we got here, we always had these chests o gold, and that is NOT a jolly roger! :sob: I dont want to hang :sob: Hello all!
  8. I would love to get in on this, as soon, as I find the laws on exactly what you can send in the mail.. I would hate to bring homeland security down on anyone
  9. *ahem* ARRRR! Have any of you heard/seen/recieved a recent issue of No Quarter Given? I hope they are still kicking, because I sent them money... I really cant tell if their website just has'nt been updated, or if they are gone. Thanks for any information!
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