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Everything posted by bbart

  1. It's time again for our camping & boating Pirate trip to Catalina Island We have a small group of pirates 15-25 that boat and camp and dress up like pirates at the Two Harbors Catalina Campgrounds. We be hav'n two or three boats setting sail from Long Beach and San Pedro. And the rest of the Land Lubbers be tak'n the shuttle boat. Me home port be San Diego. I've posted about this before So I be dropp'n another reminder It be noth'n like the size of Buccaneer Days but the weather be warmer, and we be look'n fer more scallywags to join up with us. We be arriv'n o n Sun Aug 5 and stay'n till Mon Aug 13. Most of the swabs will be coming up fer the weekend Aug 10-12. Me thinks the campground be full but I may be freeing up some campsites this Friday. If any of you other crusty blige rats be interested in head'n out that way be lett'n me know.
  2. The price is whatever the bidding goes up to currently $20.50 plus $12 shipping. you just have to watch the auction and see where it ends. This seller has been selling the same gun for a few months one at a time he must have a lot. I actually lost the bid to someone else that bid about $34. My bid was 31, after it ended I was given a second chance offer to buy at my bid price of $31 plus the shipping. I actually ended up buying three for about $40 each with shipping. I only attached the ebay link so you could see the picture of the actual gun. I think I'm going to end up using some mineral oil on one and see how it turns out.
  3. Shiver me timbers, I just bought some replica pistols for me and me crew on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Replica-Pirate-Flintlo...1QQcmdZViewItem I realize that they are not historically accurate since they are non functioning replicas so I don't need to use what was used in the period, although I could. But I wanted to put something on the wood to protect it and give it a little more shine. Would you recommend something like mineral oil, I already have some that I use for my cutting boards, or should I use varnish. The oil would be the easiest. Anyone have any recomendations
  4. Aye matie, I was try'n to be putt'n on me stoic face. Believe me a fine time was had by all includin meself. Arghh As far as vessels. Two of me cousins have boats a motor boat about 25-30 feet and a 30 foot catalina. Another mate has a 30 foot Catalina. The rest of the landlubbers take a public shottle boat out of San Pedro to tow harbors. www.catalinaexpress.com
  5. Aye Ye be correct. Bucaneer days is on Oct but we have our own version in August. I basically started inviting family and friends and we make our own pirate party. The water is warmer in August for snorkeling and treasure hunting, also it usually fits better with kids off from school. I went to bucaneer days once it is definitely a wild time. Here is a photo from our trip last august
  6. I made my own pirate outfit from a pattern from the fabric store. I also made the shirt. For this years trip to Catalina I'll be making the pants. I'm thinking of adding a little more trim on the front. maybe a brocade lapel, you can see in one of the photos I do have some gold trim on the front. I'm not necesarily looking for strict historical accuracy. I think I also need to shorten the jacket also. I might want to use additional material to stiffen up the hat, maybe some stiff felt. I used wire sewn into the brim to keep it in place I figured that this is the place to find the experts so I thought I'd see what you think. I'm new to using hosted photo sites so hopefully this will work. I'm the one in the purple outfit. I was thinking of adding more on the front of my jacket like my friend Capt Jones in the blue jacket
  7. Avahst me hearties i be join'n the fine crew of Pyracy Pub I be a part time pirate from San Diego, CA and we be prepar'n fer our 3rd annual pirate boat'n and camp'n adventure at two harbors Catlina Island CA. We be just a small band of pirates about 20-30 adults and kids. Here be a link to photos from last year. I be the capt'n in the purple coat http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/dottorrobert...h17oNGBTEwQRmxZ We be sett'n sail August 4th or 5th til the 12th. Some people be only stay'n fer the weekend Aug 10-12. Some of us go over on private vessels and the rest of the landlubbers go over on the shuttle boat. Any of ye scallywags that be wish'n to join us are welcome. I think the campground is already booked up on the weekend, but there be room for boaters. If any of ye have been to Bucaneer Days at two harbors It's kind of like that except better weather than october and the whole town won't be dressed up like pirates just our group. But I be try'n to make it a bigger event. So that be why I be invit'n more of our bretheren. Black Bart Be a pirate Less Work More Pay Better Rum
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