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Red Clover

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About Red Clover

  • Birthday 07/20/1978

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    Pyrates, rum, booty, treasure, loot, pillaging, plundering, the sea, rubies, baubles, pyrates<br>owner and moderator here:<br>http://pyrates.renspace.com
  1. what, no picture comments? *pout* need my spirits lifted today, that's all I am chopped liver shameless advertising: I created a piratey website today, it's not much, but it was free and I had fun making it, I am adding to it to make it prettier... here: http://www.freewebs.com/pyratescove
  2. why, yes I am, Phil, why so shocked? I am everywhere....*mwhahaha*
  3. I posted a couple of pics in the general pirate pictures gallery. I hope they don't frighten, maybe even the gnarliest pyrate away....
  4. aye, dinna know that real men wear eyeliner? *L* thanx fer the site, Jack
  5. Jack Sparrows, ye say???a buffet of Pirates! Lemme fill yer tankard, my friend and where be her website, perchance? *batting eyelashes*
  6. 'Rum all around, barkeep!' This round is on me, mates Thank ye for the warm reception, now, I have to think about that tale...
  7. why, thank ye kind sir
  8. Ahoy! I be Red Clover, Capn' of the ship over at pyrates renspace, and new here. Always been a pyrate, even before it was cool *heh heh* posted a picture over in the gallery, not the best , but the best I could do and maybe the closest to Sparrow I'll ever get.
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