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Cap'n H

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About Cap'n H

  • Birthday 07/20/1976

Profile Information

  • Location
    Lawrence, KS (port o' KC)
  • Interests
    Rum, smuggling, rum, booty, pina col...errr....rum, sand, rum, puppies, rum.
  1. Lady Barbossa, I am glad you liked them! Greg was an absolute cut-up down there, he was in pirate heaven, and a favorite with both the pirates and the tourists. And you should have seen Jo, she was getting as wild as Jo gets! :) Black Hearted Pearl....say them! Don't keep us in suspense!
  2. Lady Barbossa, I was with Jo and Greg most of the weekend, there are pictures of them in this batch! Photos What a blast!
  3. bunch of rum swillin'
  4. the Quartermaster, who yelled
  5. Thanks fer the welcome all, I see the rum be flowin' freely! Nay, nay, no delousin'! Them bugs be the crews pets...them and the bilge rats. Well, the ones they not be BBQn, that is. I just keep MESELF free from bitin' bugs and diseases caused by infectious bacteria er lack of blood flow what make digits fall off. And me ships parts be all on alright! 'Mazing what duct tape can do, aye? We just picked the name tuh put some fear in the hearts o the germophobe landlubbers.
  6. It IS a pain in the arse, but it is nice to know that everyone on there has the same general interests. N I don't keep getting friend requests from weird nekkid chicks. The forums are full o nice folks, too. It is just not very technologically advanced yet, like MySpace. Which be fine fer computer dummies like me, but ifns you like all the code and gadgets and gizmos, ye won't be findin' em there. But its new. It'll improve.
  7. Thank ye Cap'n James, n I be agreein'. A loss of a toe to gangrene...why it be way better n a loss of...nevermind. I read me first post n I should be clarifyin--first mate n I been pyratin for YEARS (even me boy be a powder monkey. Me girl think she is a fairy or some such glitterin fluffery), its that whole organized crew thing that's been slow in developin. Schedules, schmedules.
  8. Never fear, I make them bathe and delouse afore they set foot on shore. Sometimes they even be brushin' their teeth and clippin' their toenails. But usually just fer special-type events, like weddins and maroonins.
  9. ...and scallywags. I heard there might even be PINS about, too. So o' course I had to make port! I be hailin' from the port o Kansas City, where I head the scabrous crew o' the Gangrene. The crew been growin', but alas, has not done much piratin' yet. Maybe this be our year! :angry: Hey...::looking around::...some o ye scurvy dogs be lookin' miiiiighty familiar like.
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