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Cpt Sparkle

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About Cpt Sparkle

  • Birthday 08/17/1951

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  • Interests
    Fighting, Drinking, Rabble Rousin, Drinking, Brewing, Fishing, Sailing, Eating, Drinking, Pillaging, did I mention drinking? Mayhem, Rock & Roll, General conversation over a drink and a good cigar, Chasing the girlys.
  1. and a great big Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!! Paisley me fine blond headed lass. I tried the meetup thingy and couldn't locate the Wash DC area meetup. Oh well. Wherever and whenever count me in. Whatever happened to going up to tour one of the boats in Baltimore? I think touring an old square rigger or a schooner is better than playing with a room full of drunk monkeys. Let me know. and another big Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh to go away with.
  2. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!! Swabs, I've got nothing else to do, ever. I'll be wherever the DC area piratical souls choose to meet. I truly hope it'll be a place offering frosty barley pops. Whatever port you choose, I'll be there. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!
  3. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!! Me still be lookin. No recruiters knocking on the 'atch yet. Still be early. If'n I was on the West coast, the Royaliste would be a dream vessel. Anchored 'ere outside DC I stand ready. Arrrrrrrrrrgh!!
  4. Count me in. I'm anchored in beautiful downtown Aspen Hill by the bay.
  5. Argh! Captains, which of you need a new hand. I stand ready, willing and able to sail with ye this spring. In all reality, I've sailed twice, once for six days on a twin masted schooner and then for a summer in MD aboard a dingy. I'm fit, available and willing to clean-up after myself. Somewhat skilled with tools and the like. I am at your service.
  6. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!! Me needs a course to a recommended ink-slinger in the port DC meself. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!! I bet I'll be doin some Argh'in gettin it done. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!
  7. All hands hoay!!!!! Aaaaaaaaargh! Peggy the pyrate. If ye be needin a decandent soul such as meself. I stand ready to weigh thy anchor and set sail. If'n ye be ported in Maryland I be at yer service. Hoist the black flag, keep thy powder dry fer the ale shall flow.
  8. Aaaaargh!! I be lookin fer a vessel needin crew. I've been scuttled in Maryland and need the breeze in me face again. I can swing a cutlass with the best O them. If ye be needin crew, I stand ready, willin and able. Aaaargh!! Send 'em all to hell............
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