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Molly O'Mally

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Everything posted by Molly O'Mally

  1. I like Raven McKay! It has a mysterious appeal to it.
  2. **takes notes to practice later**
  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts guys - I had a strange vision of you all telling me that I had too much time on my hands thinking about pirate accents!
  4. I agree. It appears that Hollywood has been influencing the world for decades
  5. True! Treasure Island was certainly a box office success at the time of it's release, and it has stood the test of time. Could it be that all other actors merely copied the accent of Long John Silver? Could it be that Robert Newton is the reason why so many of us use the "accent" to this day? Interesting theory, and quite an accolade, if true!
  6. I be the first to admit that I likes ter use text-based-pirate-dialect in me posts. I'll also admit that I'm not very good at it LOL I've been reading through the posts today and I have to say that I'm very impressed by some members use of the piracte accent in their posts. This got me wondering about the whole pirate accent thing, and where it originated. Even in many movies, especially the older ones, the pirates had the accent that many of us use in our posts. Here in England, the pirate accent would be pinpointed to the Somerset/Cornwall areas - Counties which are predominatly inland with coastal fringes. Which makes one wonder how the accent reached the high seas in such abundance. Are we to believe that the majority of pirates originated from Inland Cornwall /Somerset/Devon? Even during the Golden Age of piracy, English accents were deep rooted, varying greatly from one town to another - All of them very different, and yet this minority inland accent appears to have been adopted universally as pirate "talk". I'm sure I'm not the only one who has ever wondered about this. Or am I? LOL Any thoughts/opinions?
  7. Lady B, I just visited your site and had a browse on your homepage. I see that your group is called Pirate Tales also. I assure you that this is pure coincidence. I see that some of your members believe I have stolen your name, and that you have a bad feeling about it. Please be assured that there is no foul play at foot here! All I can say is that I'm as shocked and amazed that there is another group with the same name. The group has only just moved from it's former home on MSN, but if it's going to cause unrest on it's new server, I'll close the group and re-open it under a new name! Please let me know if you would like me to do thus
  8. Hello, Lady B, pleased ter meet yer! Pirate Tales be a text based RPG. It was originally hosted on the MSN server, but alas, what with MSN closing all group chats, together with their constant technical issues, it made RP'ing practically impossible. Inevitably, the group started to become less busy. We've since moved servers and transferred a lot of our old data, so hopefully interest will resume again in the near future.
  9. I shall have to remember this place! Tis nice to know that I no longer have to play card games in the early hours of the morning because I can't sleep!
  10. Me kitchen smells divine at the moment. I fried some peppers, onions and beef strips, then put em in the crock pot with gravy, and now it's bubbling away nicely. I have taters are turnips all ready to boil. There be only two of us, but I've cooked enough fer a dozen - So the invitation's there fer anyone who fancies it. First come first served!
  11. Greetings to yer Black Jack. I be new to these parts too, but the locals be friendly and the rum runs freely!
  12. Paul, you have a great website. I too am a fellow Olde Englander, and know the hardships of getting a webgroup up and running. I'll do all I can to point people in the direction of your group!
  13. Thank ye all fer the warm welcome. And don't be worrying 'bout the spitting ~ That was only if the initiation rights were gonna hurt. I be hearing some strange things about initiation rights into certain places
  14. I never be one to turn down an invitation to explore new places! I'll stroll on by after I've downed a few more rums and banished the chill from me veins!
  15. Greetings fellow seadogs and scallywags, I be Molly O'Mally, proprietor of the Merry Mermaid Tavern. I'm not certain as to what these here initiation rights are, but ye be warned that if they hurt, I'll spit in yer ale if yer ever visits me humble estblishment I brought a keg o' me best rum to share as a goodwill gesture, but once it's gone, yer best be paying fer yer own drinks, fer I ain't running no blasted charity, Savvy!
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