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Bartholomew Roberts

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Everything posted by Bartholomew Roberts

  1. To be perfectly honest, it was the Pirates of the Caribbean movies that did it for me. I saw the first one a few times, and then decided to do research on Pirates to see what they were really like. As soon as I read about Black Bart, I fell in love with the subject.
  2. A Taoist Pyrate? Interesting combination. A very Merry Birthday to ye, nonetheless!
  3. Aye, here's to a merry Birthday! May there be many more to come for ye!!
  4. That's awesome. Can't wait 'till I have littl'uns and I get to teach 'em of the pyrating life. Yar Har! They'll be the best little buccaneers North o' the Equator!!!
  5. Jimmy Buffet and Sea Shanties!!!!!!!
  6. As funny as this is, I do feel sorry for the guy. I agree that he should definitely get off easy because he was willing to help. Most people would just sit there and say, "Someone else will take care of it." I think we should all drink to this man.
  7. Cheers, mate! Welcome aboard!
  8. I realize the custom is to buy one round for the lot, but I say two rounds o' rum for everyone in the room! Double yer pleasure, double yer fun!
  9. Aye!! Drinks all around!!
  10. I have thought about, I mean, who hasn't? I want to upgrade my garb, though, cause my current costume isn't that great. Maybe if I can steal enough money I will buy some good clothes, but right now the booty just isn't there. Gotta find another ship to raid!!!! Wahahahahahaaaaa!!!
  11. Ahoy, I have several reasons for being here. I am a HUGE pyrate lover. Bartholomew Roberts is clearly my favorite, but Peter Easton ranks up there, too. I am hoping that being here will help me gather more information on pyrates and also give me a chance to have a merry old time with fellow buccaneers.
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