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  1. Hey PirateMunkee! I recognize that avatar...it's the "Jolly Roger II" from piratemod.com Cool!
  2. oops - double post bad edit...frellin server...
  3. Here's a link to the belt buckles I have been looking at on ebay: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?M...50&BasicSearch= Check out the one labelled "western"...believe it or not, it's really well done. the skull looks great. And the people I bought the pirate t shirt from now have a website: http://www.piratemod.com It's worth visiting just to read the way they wrote the pages (and the weird "skull & crossbones" shirts are cool too. I may have to have the "sushi pirate shirt"... Ahh...sweet online shopping! YARRRR!
  4. Someone has some pretty cool obscure pirate flag shirts on ebay...I just bought the Henry Every shirt! I'm not sure if this link will work: http://search-desc.ebay.com/search/search....1450&SRCHDESC=y I've found lots of neat stuff by searching under "pirate" or "skull" at ebay. Someone else has some great belt buckles right now too. Ebay rocks - YARRR!
  5. Angus, Just found this bbs through NQG...must say it looks really good! Thanks for creating it! May the wind at yer back always be yer own, Bartholomew
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