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About Savvy

  • Birthday 07/12/1986

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  • Interests
    Piracy, drawing, dragons, foreign languages, pirate slang, humor, poetry, rollerblading, RPGs, the Monkey Island series, writing, website making, etc.
  1. Aye! Best sound score I've yet gathered. I can't wait t' go about town with me windows down, blastin' the music and gettin' strange looks from all the lubbers that don't know what it be. It might be considered sad that I know exactly what parts o' the movie the songs play at and am able t' picture 'em in me mind clear as day... 's what happens when ye seen it 4 times in theatres, savvy? My point was, the songs be quite capable o' provoking a chuckle. The Medallion Calls, in example. Ye all surely know where in the film that plays first, aye? :angry:
  2. Heh..heh... whoops. :angry: Somehow I overlooked this 'ere post when I made mine. Me hold on reality slips at this early hour ('tis bloody 3 AM). I LOVE Monkey Island. That whole series is great. I own 1, 2, and 3, but I be lookin' for 4 on PS2. 1 is classic, plain and simple. I remember playin' that when I was a tiny lass.. 2's graphics/gestures have greatly improved. Some o' them provoke a hearty laugh on there own. 3.... all that is mighty, this one is hilarious. The script-writers were geniuses. Murray the demonic skull is my favorite. He could nearly bring a tear to me eye. Guybrush: How can you see without eyeballs? Murray: How can you walk around without a brain? Some things no one can answer. A Murray shrine be on the way from me, as well. Arr.
  3. Hmm. As for me, I must say - Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Planet Honestly, I don't remember many of the older Piratey films, mates. I nearly deserve to be keelhauled, aye? But I shall fix this error by goin' on a renting spree the next time I be in town. :angry: Slap me silly and call me Gilly, but I do like those two films I listed above quite a lot. Treasure Planet is a very good movie, and I know it's a tad overly futuristical then the good ol' pirate movies.. ah, oh well. As for Pirates otC, that movie is GREAT. Seen it 4 times - 'tis a record for me threatre visits. Me aboslutely favorite movie o' all time.
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