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About KidsPirate

  • Birthday 07/01/1959

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    The theatah, dahling. Sewing. Travel. My computer.
  1. Have I mentioned that the Bread Ladies [http://www.thebreadladies.com/] Artisan Bakery and Cafe will be catering at PirateFest [http://web.mac.com/KidsPlayInc/]? Excellent food! Excellent baked goods! Far above the usual fare served to those who've gone 'on the account'!!
  2. Aye, we commandeered the ship from Cap'n Hook himself--cleared out the fairies, the Indians, those blasted lost boys and one smelly crocodile. Now the ship is our own--the Captain's quarters, an upper deck, a ship's wheel, and a brass bell for to summon the crew. A worthy vessel indeed.
  3. Aye, Harker, the kids are most definitely at their best in this one. The great thing about PirateFest, however, is that their performance is only one of the many fun activities that are happening here. I have to say I'm most excited about the pirate costume contest. That should bring out all the fun-loving buccaneers, for sure, matey!!
  4. If you're a pirate in the central Indiana area, you should set your sights on KidsPlay, Inc.'s "PirateFest" on April 28th from 4-9 p.m. at the HJ Ricks Centre for the Arts at 122 West Main in Greenfield, Indiana (latitude 39.79N, longitude -85.8W). Events featured include an encore theatre presentation of "Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen" by Craig Sodaro, musical performances by sea shanty group Bounding Main, good food, pirate gear, face painting, crafts, a sword-fighting demonstration, an art exhibit, and a pirate fashion show. For more information, e-mail Cap'n Chris at KidsPlayInc@mac.com or log on to http://web.mac.com/KidsPlayInc/ and click on the PirateFest link for a ticket order form. Be ye forewarned, this event WILL sell out, so don't be left in port when this fun ship sails!
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