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    United States
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  1. Yes mate....Lauren is very nice! Very down to earth. Isaac as well... The three of us went on a shopping trip to the French Market. We were running around for a good two hours looking for a shirt for Isaac...but no luck. You should have seen Isaac in the front seat of my Ford Escape! LOL! ( I left the Escalade at home ) Vanessa (Giselle) couldn't make it because of those gum people and their contracts....BLAH! Too bad. The rest of PyrateCon was pretty good. A few snags here and there....but it happens with new events like this one. Next year should be a lot better.....AND not as far to walk! I met a lot of people that I have been in contact with on the internet, but never in person. It was a good time thanks to those "BIG ASS BEERS". If you were there....you know what I'm talking about.
  2. Well....Hmmmm....though I just be returning....I'm guessin' I could be NEW for the day. A little smooch never killed anyone. The one administering the smooch can sometimes be deadly....but, I'll take the chance. And was that RunbaRue and MerryDeath!?!? It's been a long time. Good to see your names.....I was thinkin' all I knew where gone from this place! I've had a BUSY couple of years. Divorce, pirating from here to the caribbean, starting my own business, moving....and on and on. I have been working on the plan to move to the Orlando area. I'm a lot closer now. This summer looks good.
  3. Thank you, and yes.....there are many tales to be told. From Port Royal to the Island of the dark beauties they call Puerto Rico. From the world of Disney to pirate dinner adventures. In fact, too many to tell in one sitting. And too many to tell at this hour. I need some shut-eye! Thanks again for the welcome back!
  4. Hello to all! I was once here often as Black skot, and have not visited in some time. I've been very busy after leaving the corporate world and being self employed. Now, just known as Blackie, I have decided to update myself at this here pub and see who's lurking about these days. It's been a while and looking around, I only notice a few names I remember. So anyways, coin on the bar.......drinks on me
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