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Mary Diamond

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About Mary Diamond

  • Birthday 04/25/1968

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    Things I Love: Horticulture, Travel, Volleyball, Reading, Sewing, Costuming, Halloween, esp. props!, Halo, Halo2, Halo3, ODST, and, of course, Pyracy.

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  1. Ah, so many good cooks here. I am lucky, indeed!
  2. There you go, dreaming up new bits to reenact at your next gig…
  3. Oh, wow! I love how the gun emplacement came together - you do know I am trying to avoid buying another piece of equipment (i.e. 3d printer)… You are eroding my resolve.
  4. Thank you for the above - visually I can see how it echoes the sounds, now to figure out how those notations convert to tabs. 😊
  5. Well, I can’t read sheet music, but I can, very slowly, pick apart the song and convert to tabs. Playford should be here on Friday, thank you for the link!
  6. Excellent! You are miles ahead of myself, still slowly painting…
  7. Ahoy, and welcome, Nautical6564! Have a look around, and let us know if you need any help!
  8. Huh, I don’t know how I missed this post! Michael Bagley, Jeff Radaj - speak up! I would like to try, if there is room.
  9. Ooooh, that looks lovely!! Skills, my friend…
  10. Simpler structures and repetition mean this is another I might be able to pick up - any chance you can share the sheet music, Michael? It will save me the time recreating the song….
  11. Ahoy, and welcome back, Katey OTierney!
  12. Cumann na mBan and the Irish Revolution, and the Forgotten History of America (inspired by our good Stynky…). Though I am intrigued by the Munich Security Report.
  13. Just down the way from the honeymoon suite…
  14. I have always loved this photo of Rats….
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