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Nathanial Horn

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About Nathanial Horn

  • Birthday 09/26/1962

Profile Information

  • Location
    Beside me beer!
  • Interests
    Beer, Ale, and Lager
  1. ^ I do taxes myself. Canadian and American, < Just installed Windows Vista, and actually like it a lot better than XP V how often do you exercise.
  2. Ya know, it just may be time for me to pull out my retired sheep costume, including black leggings, long black gloves, rouge, pirate hat, and patch! yeah baby. But only if I'm the cover,
  3. Welcome to tha pub! As long as ye be buyin' ye need not worry about yur coin pouch! I be havin' an ale
  4. lol, me girl is a banquet all on her own, wahoo!!! Women as in the generic term, not the plural, lol how can one think of goats without thinking of gerbils?
  5. Capt. Sterling, read it twice? What's wrong with a guy drinking beer??? sheesh folks, the gerbil isn't for me, it's my goat's. That would be just too weird! You pirates ought to be ashamed! ummm Shanni, no idea, lol, and for the record, it is my GOAT's GERBIL!!! That's normal, right? ok, ok, I think of women all the time! ummmm, and beer, Wahoo!!! ok, ok, and goats on occassion. sheesh, damn no means no stuff. Me: Here goat! Goat: No-oo-oo-oo Me: Goat, come 'ere! Goat: No-oo-oo-oo-oo me-eeeeee-ans no-oo-oo-oo Me: grrrr, damn ya blimy bilge rat! No Gerry Gerbil for ya tonight!
  6. Aye, ye be right lass, that name is much more suitin' fur me Wench! Wahoo!!! lol, sometimes? sheesh, all tha time for me, ya baby! well when I'm not thinking of beer, goats, and gerbils I mean,
  7. Just so happens that when I was trying to come up with a cool pirate name, me girl yelled out to me and when I went over to see what she wanted, her bottom was up. So, it came to me, I'll be pirate Dick Steel, Captain of the Glory Ho.... Anyways, 30 seconds later (hey, I know what I'm doing, I'm a pro, ya know!), I figured I should be more subtle, and came up with Horn, actually Hornblower, but that was already taken. So Horn it is. But wait, you are probably woundering where Nathanial came from. Well, I'll make you wait no longer (that would be down right cruel), it just popped in my head, after about six beers. No idea why, and that scares me. Arrrr, Pirate Nathanial Horn I be, and at yur service, m'lady! Bottoms up to ya!
  8. Do nothing to them. Just remove their links and leave the post open so we can have some fun at their expense.
  9. *gets on the floor and sticks his butt up in the air* So, ummmm, what'cha doing? OMG!!! Simon and Garfunkel just came on: The Sound of Silence!!! heeelp meeee can't find off button!!! Ouch, that hurt my ear. Ummmm, ok, I feel vulnerable with me butt in the air and all these pirates about, I need a drink, :) Welcome to Pyracy Pub, and as it is a pub.... rounds on you!!! Wahoo!!!
  10. Don't listen to Mary, calling yourself a wench is all we need to know! :) Now it looks like me mug is empty, Wench!
  11. Welcome to tha pub, lass! Me tankard is empty, so if ya don't mind, I be takin' a refill!
  12. Arrrr, me matey's thanks to ye all fur tha welcome. Now I seem ta 'ave this little problem, a full cask of rum, but no, nay, ne'er anyone ta drink it with.
  13. I wear jeans, white tee shirt, short black leather jacket, cool rays, enough said.
  14. ^ no, but there are many who wish I was, :) < I am Canadian, eh? V Who you rather be in love with someone who won't love you back, or have someone in love with you that you can not love back?
  15. Thank you Merrydeath, :) Warped sense of ha-ha too huh? Everybody knows chickens don't lay noodles, hens do, If you can spare about 15 mins a week, you have time to post in character replies, It's quality over quantity. :)
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