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  1. hello gentleman I have read once again the topic, and feel I did take comments out of context I apoligize sirs. and sorry for that gentleman. I just seen these guys get hammered by the old salts many times before and I thought that I might be seeing it again. I saw these boys grow up in the hobby and it might be a grandfather thing with me, I kind of still think of myself as a sea rat too. i always have had a good friendship with them awhile back I was going to leave the hobby and be done for good the sea rats boys are the only people out there that defended me and they actually encouraged me and brought me back into the hobby and its the best decision i made in a long time. While i tried the pirate impression for the last few years and did not pursue fully, i found what i needed and I've been happy ever since trying all kinds of things, went back and forth with the pirates and , and still like pirates and do them a few times on occasion, just its for the young'ins I think that it would be safe on saying, i was just too aggresive on this topic, i think you are correct i did get mad about other things in the past I did blow up about the blackbeard thread when I wanted to come down and i was turned away, and I believe there was another 1 or 2 i got angry I'd have to say I'm indeed in some ways a bad egg on the forum, again gentlman sorry and for where the rats are the ones that I know are from the pocono's of Pennslyvania and I know they have more around other parts but thats were the most of them live not too far from myself. but they do the events that they do on the shores of newjersey, and maryland from what i know. i will tell them that there is nothing to worry about and that i jumped the gun on it sorry again gentlmen, I will let them know that the chaps here want to do events with them sorry sirs flint
  2. I honestly don't understand why you resent a bunch of kids for making it into a magazine, they do there best, and its darned impressive what they do too. They are the nicest hearted people you will ever meet, they are always willing to help everyone in need without any compensation or second thought. Same thing I saw in civil war reenacting so long ago, and one would wonder why there are no young people in the hobby, the old salts don't allow it they harp on them intill its not fun anymore. I'm done defending as they did for me once, its going no where but adding more fuel to the fire. you guys should be ashamed of yourselfs and say what you will you would be surprised how many dudes they bring out at times.
  3. Just a bit ago I was finally able to get ahold of the sea rats via cell after a few trys. they were at the jersey shore sailing. I let them know that there was alot of concern over the recent skirmish article and its contents going on here at the Pyracy forum. They told me that yes it was very unfortunate that it did not turn out as anticipated and expected, and that it was only a matter of time before the peanut gallery chimed in. I really got the greater sense that they were more concerned with sailing rather than sitting indoors, on a computer, squabling over stuff like us all, yes that is including myself. THATS WHY I LOVE THOSE GUYS doing all the things that we all talk and dream about, but never do. MY HATS OFF TO THE SEA RATS ATLANTIC
  4. Lol, I guess not I'm sure that if put together, you guys would get along real well indeed
  5. In defence of my old friends once again, your assumptions are correct I have to mention that after seeing members of the sea rats at the Dixon's muzzle loading fairee this past weekend One of there big topics of discussion for over an hr or more, was the grossity of how misqouted they were in the recent skirmish article as well as another periodical that i cannot remeber of what it was named. only bits and pieces of what they actually wanted in there were used, and that which was had been blended and not elaborated to the extent of making it good material. On another note, I'm really glad to see those guys are starting to get SOME appreciation for doing the filty dirty sailor. i'd even say that they started that uproar for people presenting themsleves in the dirty manner. back when all you saw was clean dandy impressions I remeber a good 12 or so years ago maybe more, Joe being no more than 14 or so showing up to a local rendevous with a good number of younger guys, they were all filthy from head to toe, and looking so decrepid they looked like they walk out of a time portal and off a ship. I know that they got sh##t by the old timers for years for doing stuff like that. I hope that there hard work is starting to pay off. they always did the sailor thing ever since I can remeber as for the pistols they have in the pics, I will try to get ahold of them and turn them onto this discussion, I'm sure they would be willing to share anything about them. all I ever remeber them having is miqolet pistols, early europeans, and early munitions pieces. The button thing, don't know where that came from, prolly not them. I will try to get ahold of them. just saw them a few days ago. Flinter
  6. In response to the work those guys do with originals, actually i don't know if they would get mad about me saying but i know they were keeping under the wraps that they got there hands on an old queen anne screw barrel pistol and they were replicating a brae of 4 of them with all silver inlay's. I saw the first protoype in the white at fort fred this year when i was there for the day, it was crazy and they made all the pieces in there shop except the barrel. If you see them and you get a chance do yourself a faver and see if you can get them to tell you how they got there hands on that pistol, its a good one you'll cry or laugh. These guys are crazy everyone talks about Neumans book Swords and Blades of the Revolution, They actually know the guy who wrote it personally. and also in response to Missions post Aw, they're missing the point. There's no such thing as bad PR, there's only people who aren't imaginative enough to use it to their advantage. it's not wise to shoot the messenger who brings the interested crowds to listen at your knee to the tales of old there is no room to laugh at yourself where they come from, After sailing with them once and doing one event with them 3 years ago I decided quickly this wasen't for me, I got to tell you that there is no goofiness or laxness about these guys at all, they are so so serious about there bit, and believe me its not that they are not imaginative, its quite the opposite, they will always have a crowd no matter what they do. They are on a whole nother level were their heads are with this. last summer they took one of there open skiffs from jersey to the somewhere around the chesapeak,living off of rations and barreled water, they nearly sunk the boat three times to damage sustained in the waves hitting them head on, and on another occasion three of them almost drown when toppling the sails, the tide kept taking the lesser swimmers under the surf. I could only imagine what that was like, I hope they don't get mad about me putting that out there if it isent already, if so sorry about that guys They don't just play the stuff like most of us do, they almost live it. or do there best too
  7. yea exactly, Read this controlled growth is needed. If anyone new is added, they are usually found in previous years attending. This is the case with a crew i'm helping now. One of their crew was remembered from a couple of years previous by one simple attire piece and a picture. Period is good, that would lead me to believe that it dosen't matter how good you are or how good your group is, you gots to do some major ass kissing to someone who thinks there black bear himself I guess. . . . controlled growth, if I were running a festival I'd encourage as many historical groups as humanly possible and not play highschool cheerleader sleep over about it. . . I saw some hesitation when black john enquired about coming ,, I'd definitly be all for them coming, and not having to prove that they've been there before. . . . I don't even think they got a go. . . . I guess someone got picked on in childhood. . .
  8. Whats with all the filtering of WHO CAN AND WHO CAN'T go to this event all 'assuden'. Pirates are on the down fall, if you want it to last I'd be more appreciative of the help. Besides everything I know about the black beard fest is that No-one involved has any right at all to be a historical nazi about anything. . . thats a fact. Guess its another, "lets get together and see how much money we all can make" kinda sctick. . . . Have Fun. . . . Hope ya do
  9. HarborMaster PM sent
  10. hey guys I'm by no means what-so-ever new to black powder at all. been doing it my whole life. . I've even put together some stuff though it looked like crap, and been fiddling and fixing things all this time as well Its just you cannot take absolute garbage and polish it. I wouden't recomend what I have to anyone. . . . I bought my guns all at once, maybe i should have just went for the one. I might have hit a bad run, since they all came in the same bunch. I think though that before you guys say this is typical and that they can be worked on and fixed, you ought to see these guns and frizzons I got. your minds would be different. I'll try working on getting pics of problem areas but I can't garuntee I'm a computer Jackass. I even think one of the guns isen't teak but some kind of arabic pine or something, WTF, , , lol. . . . . Just know I'm not an idiot and I'm reaching out to you guys as my fellow colleagues to share your expertise and expierance on the subject. Flint
  11. I've just found it very hard to find a frizzon that will fit anywhere near decent. Out of all the companies, even with slight and massive modification. . . . and the india companies that deal here in the states want you just to send back the frizzon, rather than give new. And you get the same old shitty frizzon with shallow hardened surface back. besides woulden't you agree with me that if your dishing out money for the product you should at least get something that frickin works. . . . everyone tells me that these guns are great and there's works fine. I have 4 new ones, that all have their own advanced levels of disfunction and absolute uselessness.
  12. that looks so great Patrick, really great but nothing can fix how crappy the frizzons are on most of them, if not all, getting a replacement is near impossible and the ones that come on it wear through so quick. what can be done with this. and no kasenite does nothing. It all starts with a spark. please help. . .
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