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About quickhandsrob

  • Birthday 08/18/1979
  1. Aye, Tis a fair question...asking me about me name QuickHands. Now I can have a slow hand M'Lady when need be...but sometimes I be needing to fend off the pirates from me own wench. In addition to being the Boatswain, I am also the ship's...apprentice cutter if ya will. I be training with ye ol' cutlass, as me crew seems to enjoy the lashes too much. Now if ya be wonderin' about this pirate's hands anymore...I am a pirate who has sailed the 7 seas...I be more than happy to share what I have learned. And thank ye all for the warm welcome. I be looking forward to what plunder may await me here in the future.
  2. Aye, Last night when I was posting here was about half awake. I be running an invisionfree forum for me crew, and need to know how to go about doing the background. I believe it be the wrapper I be wantin' to change. Be wantin' to upload me crew's logo and a better background than that bloody white. I be wantin' to find out how I may accomplish this. If ya be wantin' to see the Board itself, it is at http://piratesforum.piratesforsail.com. Now this pirate be gettin' some more coffee before he gets grog. Grog being short for groggy, ofcourse...what a pirate becomes when he doesn't have enough coffee. Aye, that be it! Slante, QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret Ship's Boatswain "QuickHands Rob 'Yer Booty!"
  3. Aye, If it be tradition ya be leaning on, the first round be on me, mates. What other traditions we be having here I be wantin' to know about? Slante, Ol' QuickHands
  4. True enough I be new to the pub, and true enough I be looking forward to good talk over good rum...but who said anything about me paying? pirate...
  5. Ello again all, I am assuming that this forum be through invisionfree. I wanted to be asking a question about the background stuff...wrappers I believe it is. I be needing to change the Board Wrappers to something a little more...pyratical, but am not sure how I can change that stuff around. Can any of ye be helping me with that? Ye can reply here or e-mail me at quickhandsrob@piratesforsail.com. Thank ya. Slante, QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret Ship's Boatswain "QuickHands Rob 'Yer Booty"
  6. Ello all, I be QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret, based out of Baltimore Inner Harbor in Maryland. We be a pyrate crew doing regular shows aboard the Proud Ship Clipper City, a 158 foot twin-masted Clipper Ship. She currently be the largest Clipper currently in public service within the United States. We are looking for some good local talent that would be interested in engaging in acts of pyracy and musical entertainment. If ya be interested in more information you can visit our website at www.piratesforsail.com, or contact me at quickhandsrob@piratesforsail.com. We be looking forward to hearing from ye. Slante, QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret Ship's Boatswain "QuickHands Rob Yer Booty"
  7. Ello all! Me name be QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret. Wanted to be introducing meself to all ye scurvvy bastards and lovely wenches. I be in Maryland, sailing out of Baltimore Inner Harbor, with me bloody crew to Raid, Pillage, and otherwise Plunder. I do Pirate Cruises out of Baltimore for both families and special cruises for adults as well. I be looking forward to some good talk here over some good rum! Slante, QuickHands Rob of the Drunken Ferret Ship's Boatswain "QuickHands Rob Yer Booty!" www.piratesforsail.com
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