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Dirty Smythe

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About Dirty Smythe

  • Birthday 09/09/1990

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ye lost Island of Camano
  • Interests
    Writing novels, drawing, Listening to music... if you want to know anything else just ask me through messanger XD aye?<br>
  1. aye ^^ this boy be doin anything for a bit of copper! well, almost anything
  2. I be bitten many times by them, but I be not scared. In fact, me tried to eat one of them for a few bits of copper last summer Little bugger was of the wolf variety and was much too fast to catch in me bare hands
  3. *laughs* Hey! I be not THAT young! but young enough I be suposen...
  4. lmao disney luuuurves to run stuff into the ground alright... but hey what can you do but be optimistic right? *crosses fingers*
  5. I am both really excited and utterly horrofied... disney has this love for milking their good movies dry to get as much money as humanly possible... It would be awsome for them to keep on makign more, as long as they were as good as the first, or especially the second one.
  6. aye! ^^ tends to happen to me quite a bit!
  7. Sorry lass but these lips be for the lads ^^ But then again, me thinks it all be in good fun *kiss*
  8. *blushes and sips some rum* Well thankee lass
  9. I've been a carless lad and forgotten that! Yes I be ye male variety *eyebrow bounce* I be buying ya say? sure *tosses several gold coins across the bar counter with a grin* rum for the lot of ye weavels! *winks* from that thar top shelf... Aye SilasTalbot, Mr. lucas will do ^^
  10. aye there be no clean smythe, only a dirty one That guiness be sounden' perty good mate, be taken one for myself as well! *hands*
  11. ah, I be from the evergreen state ^^ Delightfully close thar to the water's edge matey! *takes a swig* Thankee for the kind welcome!
  12. aye, thanks mate! Me thinks I shall enjoy it here indeed!
  13. Greetings Pirates ^^ I be Mad Lucas, new to the piratin' bit as well as this rig!
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