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Blackjack Roberts

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Everything posted by Blackjack Roberts

  1. Nothin' smart about it, Luv. Ye should know full well ye have me heart locked securely away. Aye, Luv. Whirl and dip......an ye know I be keen on the dippin' part.
  2. Den, deers nil any reason fer ya t' b'holdin up d'woll lad! Why nut take one uv dees lasses round the floor fer a dance?! *Honour taps her foot and crosses her arms in front of her..um...chest.* Aye, Jack, luv--ye be a choosin' but choose wisely... *checks to make sure bodice dagger is still there* *whispers to self* Aye, it is... Ah, Honor, Me Love. Ye know I'd choose ye above all the gold in the Spanish Main. Shall we, Luv? * holds hand out for Honor to dance *
  3. Captain Jack Sparrow, and Captain Barbossa.
  4. Aye, Luv. I know it well. which be why ye be special ta me. And a perfectly fine booty it be, Ransome. Fine indeed. Now if'n I can just get me eyes back in me head. Ah, Silkie, Luv. Them be the kinda arms what I can parley wit' any voyage. Thank ye fer the welcome, Dutchman. Here's to ye, Lad.
  5. Keeps me from gettin' it shot off again, Luv. Ye lasses have good aim..........an' I got's the scars ta prove it.
  6. Going to stand next to Silky, I put my hands on my hips and inspect the man from head to toe. "So, just how easy are ya, Mr. Roberts?" Luv I be so easy, ye'd swear the heels 'a me boots were loose. But, I've learned ta keep a weather eye on me booty as well. Another round a drinks, Me Ladies?
  7. A keepin' me aft covered, Luv. A lesson what I got ta learn th' hard way.
  8. Not a problem with me, Lass..........I be easy.
  9. Not too shabby, huh?! Ah, the man who would keep Honour in silk. Or at least her boots. Why thank ye kindly, Rumba, Luv. 'Tis well appreciated. Aye, Luv.....I'm just still at a loss as to how they keep windin' up on the wrong feet??? Aye, Jacky Tar, raise'n the bar be the spice a life, Mate. Thank ye also fer th' welcome. * still keeps back to wall, raises tankard of pure rum * Here be to all ye curvy lasses, Nothin' like good piratesses ta make a pirate feel like a pirate.
  10. Hmmmmmm? Ye have a point there, Luv.
  11. Aye , Luv, and I'd not wish ye in anything but the finest........ ......though I still prefer ye in naught but yer boots.
  12. Aye, Mate, Honor rumples very well. The, Lass would look good in a sackcloth, not that she'd ever wear one. * tosses the Red Cat's purse back in exchange for me pistol * We be square then, Luv. I only took out fer the original rum anyhoo. Keepin' ta the Articles, I never steal from a shipmate. The rest came outta me last share from the Spanish Galleon we sunk on the way over. What say ye, Cat? See'n hows we've both proven ta be blackhearted scoundrels.....do we have an accord?
  13. I never stand anywhere, lest me back be ta a wall, Mate. I figured since the Cat relived me o' me rum, I might as well relive her 'o her purse, keepin' ta the code, we're square. Never woke up married, yet, lass. Should any 'a ye be interested with puttin' a face ta the name, me pic be loaded on me profile. Take what ye can, give nothing back, Mates.
  14. I doesn't choose me booty for the chest, Mate. I choose it fer what the chest contains. Drink up me hartys.......I pilfered the funds from Red Cat, anyway.
  15. Ahoy there, Mate. From one newly acquired swab to another. Welcome aboard!
  16. Why certainly, Mate. A round on me. That purse I lifted earlier be a bit heavy anyway. Jacky Tar, sorry mate, but like any good pirate I only takes the choicest booty. That way I doesn't get me face re arranged like Sparrow did last time he set foot in Tortuga. * downs three more tankards of rum after setting them on fire, scoops Honor back up in his arms * A slow simmer ye say lass? I believe I am inclined to acquiesce to yer request, Luv.
  17. * tip toes out behind Honor and scoops her up into his arms * Aye, Luv, and don't ye be a knowin' I be no lilly liverd swab. It'll take far more'n six bottles ta be doin' me in. * carries Honor back into the room, kicks the door shut *
  18. I believe the pillagin' be first, but far be it from me ta be denyin' a lass her wishes, so we'll be a leavin' the order ta yer good desir...graces, as it were. Ye know I like ta divide the booty evenly, but I can be talked into extra shares. Drink up me hartys, Yo Ho!
  19. Hello, Luv! Ye know I'd be a followin' ye anywhere. As me black heart be totally obsessed with treasure......gold 'n silver, too. To be answerin' yer inquiry, Rumba, I be quite single. As fer me home port.....any that'll not try and hang me. That be perfectly alright, Jenny......I just relieved ye of yer purse, but I'd be more'n inclined ta buy ye a drink later.
  20. Aye, Luv. An ale, or six, be just the thing. Thank ye,Luv. Ye knows I wear nothin' but the best. Mayhap later ye be inclined to discuss the booty......uh plunder with me? Mad Jack! Good ta see ye again, Mate....clothed that is.
  21. Ahoy there, Lass. Ye still be a throwin' them effects out the portholes, I see.
  22. Avast there, Mates! Just takin' a moment to hail the other scabrous dogs what be sailin' these waters on the account. Me name be Jack, Blackjack ta be wholly accurate. Said by some ta be a lie'n, backstabbin', nere-do-well what would steal candy from a babe. Lies, say I! The child dropped the candy fair and square, savy? So here be to all ye who stand a'fore the mast. Take what ye can, give nothing back. Blackjack Roberts
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