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Honour Bright

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Everything posted by Honour Bright

  1. Bet it tasted like chicken....
  2. I spent Saturday at the Pirates Magazine booth with Klaus, Applebooteh and 1st mate Matt. A great time seeing old friends...could it be any hotter, though? Heard it reached 96 degrees! I'm planning to see you all at Piratefest in November! Hugs to all!
  3. Did anyone else notice that when the jeep hit a box in the warehouse in the beginning that a corner sheared off and you saw the Ark of the Covenant? I really liked the movie, I judged it on its own merit rather than compared it to to the others. Never did see Temple of Doom though. Well, it was worth a jumbo-sized popcorn. With extra butter. Smuggled my own Pepsi in..but you didn't hear that from me!
  4. My first car--a 1967 Cougar. From there I moved to a '70 Barracuda, a '69 Chevelle SS, various Camaros, a GTO, a Nova, a Monte Carlo SS that got stolen, a few pickup trucks and even an Astrovan. What I drive now? I alternate between a 1988 Camaro IROC convertible and a 1974 VW Bug. (the '72 got totalled) Yep, I love my Bug even with no a/c in Florida.
  5. Well, we just HAPPEN to have a little story called El Lobo del Mar.... See you next weekend at John Levique, Matt! Or at least I will....
  6. Mad Jack Wolfe and Honour Bright met at Tennessee Renfaire...
  7. succession sale* *in Louisiana when a person died, they held succession sales at the plantation to liquidate the estate.
  8. So two monkeys walk into a bar... JUNGLE GYM
  9. I'm burnin', I'm burnin',I'm burnin' for you.. YEARN
  10. *'one kiss won't wreck you' ?HA! You wink I laugh We know a little hug Leads to a foot rub Then a hot tub Then a French kiss On a bear rug........ OH! The word is.... SURF
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