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Everything posted by YematemunKS

  1. Thanks a lot mates, and I'll definitly by checkin thos out! In the meantim I sure hope SOMEONE from around here in Boston sees this postin and shoots me an answer er 2! Keep it comin evry 1in!
  2. Ahoy all me mates! Sorry I haven't been back in so long. I'm currently on the lookout to connect with anyone in my area who is also fun lovin and wild in the spirite of our swashbucklin crew members! I'm from Boston, Massachusetts USA. Anyone nearby hear me! Let ME hear it from ya!
  3. Well I've looked in Borders before, and as a matter of fact was just back there today and did not see any sign of Pirates Magazine. Barnes & Noble I have not tried yet, but I think I will stop there tomorrow. Even if you saw it at your local B & N though it still might not show up at my nearby locations. I'll give each place a call though and ask them if they carry it and I'll also go see what I can find on Ebay right now. Thanka ye matie, and have yerself a pleasant week endin!!
  4. Thanks for replying, but what you suggested really was nothing more than what I've done already. When I Google it I come up with many links to Pirates Magazine but none of which tell me how I can obtain the latest issue of the magazine for a sample. And the website of the magazine itself I'm well aware of and have emailed through it twice with this inquiry, but it has now been about three weeks and I still have gotten nothin back. I don't know why this is so I need insight from anyone who knows the organization well who publishes Pirates and help me get the latest issue. Currently I only know how to subscribe and it will not be until I've had the chance to see an actual copy of it.
  5. Ahoy there maties! I'm in a bit a bind here. I'm sure at least some of you reading are familiar with Pirates Magazine, ar? I'd sure like te get a copy of thy latest issue of it but haven't found it despite looking in all me community bookstores and media centers. I've been writin to the moderators of it through the website fer weeks now but have yet to get any feedback from em! Can any of ye mates help me out here? Please tell me how I can obtain the latest issue of this cool looking mag through the mail. Thanks and I sure look farward to herin from ye!
  6. Ahoy all ya folks! I just joined this online community last week and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kenneth, and I currently reside in the Boston, Massachusetts area. I have long been quite intrigued by pirates and many things associated with them giving that they lead a daring, do-it-yourself, independent lifestyle with loads of eccentricties and free-thinking. This fascination of mine likely began when I was a kid experiencing the Pirates of the Carribean attraction at Walt Disney World in Florida. I now certainlty love to attend events, activities, and quests related to the pirate theme, and hope that I can recruite mates through these forums that wouldn't mind joining me in adventures I undertake. I'll be back soon with more to my introduction and anyone who reads my postings and had any questions or interest in getting to know me further then by all means feel free!
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