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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. HA!...dont ask some of me crewe...presently they may disagree with you!!! i am still deciding which way the wind faires regarding my attendance this year....but a Live Shoot off the Wolfe sounds damn temting indeed
  2. Will the target be released via the plank? sounds like i "retired" just in time!?!?
  3. Local Press..... Daily Press
  4. and the rest of the album... Dogge'sBlackBeardFestPics
  5. an here's Matty-NO-Thumbs...showin how he got his namesake Mathusala Aluitious d'Dogge...hisself...lookin grand an thar goes the DUTHMAN hisself of the MekaII...who has YET to buy this ole'Dogge a Drynk wats owed him!!! to Beaufort sir!...to Beaufort!!!
  6. Order of the Leviathon Member.....Willoughby Coaught...and the ChurchMouse...(sorry thats how she was introduced!!) Mighty Pern...looking...Mighty and the evr fierce....Duncan hisself!
  7. here are some more of the like..... SailMaster of the Explorer...out fer a row Silkies Cousin.....Finn...finding hisself NOT in trouble...fer once't and a mangey bunch of oarsmen i ever did see...even a blind blacksmith...sheeesh
  8. sorry Brigands...you would come sing at our Pyrate Hunters Camp...we would leave!??!?!.....nothin personal..just bad timing...i never did get to meet ya...tho i did save a spot fer ya oncet!! so for the rest of ya...here are just a fewpics i was able to get...in between the throngs of crowds...sheeesh loading up the explorer...with its rum ration!! the Royal Navy Marines...looking ...ah ...Royal and Captain Sterling and his Stewart...out for a pleasure stroll
  9. home from Hampton...ooof ...ahbityahbityahbity

  10. Port Clinton (online)Newspaper posted some pics of the Pirate Parade..... ya might recognise some of yur ugly mugs.... http://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Site=BC&Date=20100627&Category=PHOTOGALLERIES&ArtNo=6270801&Ref=PH&Params=
  11. i put one on the same pistol...Cascabel is indeed correct...again....a simple pin will hold her tight...but i did have to add a new hole to set it
  12. The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" by Emma Lazarus 1883 (Statue of Liberty)
  13. Such lush photos. Can I use them? give photo credits as you normally do...use away ....hey...you callin ME a LUSH..!?!?!?
  14. didna take many....too busy gettin felt up by bridesmaids i guess....ooooffff... but here are the rest i took Put-in-Bay Pyrates
  15. here are just a few pics from the weekend..... Jay Babcock, wayward Seaman Katy-Darlin...almost as Pretty as M.A.d'Dogge...!?!? and winner of the "Prettiest Pyrate" contest....yurs truly
  16. not sure yet...but I am heading to Grand Cayman durring the "Pirate Week"....will let ya know in Nov...
  17. HAppy Birthday to the ONLY set of Twins my wife will let me bring home!!!....in fact she was quite insistant on it...said you both had some explainin to do.... on second thought.... WHOO HOO it your(s) Birthday!!!
  18. Home from a very fine weekend...i caint honestly remeber when an event treated us poor scallywags so nice!!...Breakfast,Supper,Showers....and a Mardi Grah atmosphere...truly a KeyWest of the Great Lakes....(oficial Bacholorette Party Capitol of the world) all my stuff is wet....and my face is still suffering from all the "Camara Flash Bulb Burns"....and i think i got a helluva bruise on me keister from all the Bacholorette and Bridesmaids....ooooffff oh yeah....and winning the Trip to the Cayman Islands Durring their Pyrate Fest Week....that aint so bad either tehehehehehe
  19. oh Katie Darlin ya caint take me anywhere...cuz i'mma heaadin to the CAYMAN ISLANDS!!....whoohoo

  20. startin to see Hot Pirate Babes walking towards the ferry...if this is any indication of the festival tomorrow...im really goinna like this event.... round 5...err maybe 6....crewe better show up soon...err i'll be carried to the island!?!
  21. okydoky.....im here at the CatawbaInn PUB....waitting for everyone else...a bit early....wonder what I can do to pass the time...at a Pub....while I wait.... hmmmmm....... come find me!
  22. ok..i'm a commin...just dont know where i'ma goin??

  23. ok...things are falling...close enough for me to swing by....send me the adress wher to meet ifn ya please
  24. damn CappySterling is a VAmpyre!!! said he "Bathes in a pool of BLOOD"!?!?!

  25. my attendance is turning ...shakey...at best....trying to get things to fall in the right order for me to attend...micky/kate i'll give you a definate....well probably not til friday morning(hopefully)...this event is WAY to close for me too miss it...2 1/2 hour drive (only 45 by speed boat)...hmmmmmm thinkin
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