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Ray the Bar Keep

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  1. Ray kicks the Trap door shut and throws a rug over it made from old wine skins.... Hey ....Ahoy mate where ye all been? Barter has been slow round 'er! Ray slams a cold one in front of each of the salty dogs awaitin his coin. Oderlesseye diggs deep and produces a gold coin to Jacky Tars dismay... Jacky loks at Oderlesseye and say he thought he made it plain that no treasure be taken..... Ray graps the coin and bite into it for anathenticity test. Jacky Continues to tell Oderlesseye that now ye has done it! Oderlessey looks back and takes a deep draw from his tankerd ,his eyes now Questioning EYEs Done what? Ray laughs deeply as he pockets the coin..... :)
  2. TA stay alive in "Liars dice" ye must bluff--or be bluffed... Ta Win in "Liars dice", ye must double cross ye way to victory! Hears the five dice ye need... Ray places them in front of the Lasses wit a slap to the bar top.... Oderlesseye will be given ye the detail as for me ..I shall continue to serve the Rum up.... So Captain Siren of the Poesidon Another Plunder Me Cherry and Ill take that cream to ye Miss.
  3. Tis a joy to be servin such a scurvey crew as you..... Drink up me Haerties Yo Ho!
  4. Happy new year to yas all, the bar is open
  5. Ray looks down in the darkness from the pub floor an yells Ellow down there... Ellow down there... Ellow down theeerrrrr..
  6. Well Captain Siren of the Poesidon , ye has yer hearts desire setin in da right place!
  7. Ellow... mosty yas knows me well as Ye has enjoyed some th most tropical to knock out drinks the Pub has to offer and I be getting the pub all proper fer yas to have ahhh BIG Bash here fer the Neew years 2007! So yaeh lets oder 'em up and I'll serve yas up pronto. Beings this a special tyme of bringin in da new year perhaps ye can help decorate the pub and share ye hopes of the new year wit me. Rays a good listener..... Now Captain Siren of the Poesidon be the first customer who wants the Plunder wit ahh cheeries... I'll give ya some whip cream to play wit too!
  8. Aahhh Red Cat ....Do ye need some asprin...
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