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Captain Hoglegg

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  • Location
    Western North Carolina
  • Interests
    woodworking and wenches
  1. Cool this thread is. I am a Johnny Depp fan, he and Val Kilmer (imho) are the best new actors to come along in awhile. By "new" I mean to rank with Nicholson an 'em. I wonder if we could get another episode with Depp, Kilmer, Nicholson and Kurt Russell. Depp stole every scene he was in, to be in the same scene with him and keep up is an effort above and beyond the call I am sure. He was exactly the same in Fear and Loathing, in fact I half expected Hunter S. Thompson to come cruising in from out of the picture several times. After seeing Don Juan deMarco I knew he would make the ultimate wacko pirate. I loved the docking scene at the beginning, it was all good from then on. Gotta have this movie, Capn' Hoglegg
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