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The Spider

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Everything posted by The Spider

  1. The rope from the pub is missing. Now a silken ladder connects the ship railing to the floor of the pub, above. The spider hopes the pirates will use it, and leave her in peace.
  2. The dust has settled, the hysterics are dying down, and no one seems to have noticed the red haired corpse is back, leaning against the cage. The treasure chests are all empty, the cage is broken, and five very tired pirates stand together. For their efforts, they have little. When the spider enters... The spider points a hairy leg at Eyes, "miiine!!!"
  3. Tears stream down the red head's face, "I told you the last one in the cage stays in the cage!" Ransom looks ready to thrust her rapier in the woman's eye. She sobs, "You have all been in the cage, so you can't open it again, you must find someone who hasn't been in the cage to open it. I swear that's the truth!" Ransom lowers her rapier, and the lass wipes her tears, "As for the key, it always finds one of the last ones out of the cage. Fear not, your friend will sleep till one comes to take his place." She points at Eyes, "See! It's begins already." Eyes' lids look heavy, and he is leaning against the bars.
  4. "Poor silly pirate, yer friends have left you to guard the treasure.", the red head reaches through the bars and strokes the chin of the pirate, they call Eyes. "Sir, don't worry you will sleep soon!"
  5. The red haired pirate, follows the pirate they call Jacky out of the cage, and all the treasure she was wearing disappears. The cage door closes again, for the last time, with the pirate and his pixie dust still inside the cage.
  6. The red head gasps, and struggles in vain, "You don't understand, do you? I can't reenter the cage." She addresses the pirate with the dagger against her throat, "Hold my hair if you must, but let go of the necklace and I'll show you!" Redcat assures Ransom she has a firm grasp of her mane, and Ransom reluctantly releases the necklace. The red head pulls the necklace off her throat and through the cage, and it disappears! Ransom shouts that it's a trick. Red Cat doesn't look so sure. Jacky picks up a coin and tosses it through the bars, and it disappears. "I told you the treasure can't be removed from the cage, do you believe me now!", the red head shouts.
  7. "Oh! Sir you are wrong, I do want to do this now. Someone must guard the treasure, so one of you must stay in there. I leave it to you, to decide who. Remember the treasure stays, and four of you may leave. Once, you leave the cage you will be barred from entering, again." "One more thing, if anyone tries to leave with any treasure... well... trust me, you can't!"
  8. No one seems to have noticed, but the red haired corpse is no longer in the cage. The door of the cage slams shut, and the lock clicks. A pretty red head stands outside the cage holding a sword, and the only key to the cage.
  9. my hairs are twitching again... oooohhh.... coookieees... must be careful...
  10. my hairs tingle... cookies?... no thank you... letting go of the thread and climbing down to a ledge and one of the many tunnels in the crevice... taking the smelly hominid with me...
  11. the chair drops inches from where the angry pirate stands... i take the bound and helpless pirate... and leap into the abyss.... out of sight of the angry pirate...
  12. first one silken line... then another sticky one loop about the seated pirate... before any can prevent his exit... he is jerked from the room... chair and all...
  13. 'elloooo... poppets. cookieee???
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