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Everything posted by VariableEnigma

  1. Problem is- I don't have enough time (with work and school) to learn to sew well. I think I may be able to convince my parents to help me out buying the clothes.. wohoo! I was looking around and I really like this website: Crimson Gypsy Designs I think as a basic outfit, I'd like a black bodice (like this: ) to wear over a red blouse (Like this one: only in the thigh length which is 30 inches from the neckline- it would hit around my knees somewhere.) What do you all think? I would be adding things to this, obviously, like a gun and knife belt, perhaps knee-highs and boots, headwear, and/or this long, full, black skirt that I have (either over or under the chemise.) I'd like to be relatively authentic about it.. Thanks all! Amanda
  2. I'm a 17 year old girl who's recently become interested in the Renaissance ira, and I'd like some authentic clothing. Though female pirates were rare (and those who were just wore men's clothing,) I'm really a pirate at heart, so that's where I'm heading. I think my issue is going to be money, because I don't have a lot.. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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