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About Captain Emerald Shaunassey
- Birthday 12/20/1972
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Land of RedMen (Oklahoma)
Pyratin', Plund'rin', Pillagin' ... an' Rum. Also keepin' m' head firmly where the gods put it! RN in the world of Mundania
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Forgive my over long silence on these boards; I hate that my return to the Pub is occasioned by the following announcement (and I hope I have posted this in the correct sub forum - so much has changed since I last browsed these boards): To All of our Dear Fans and Friends, At the time of this writing, it appears we, The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, will not be returning to Midwest Renaissance Festival in 2011 despite the face-to-face “you are in” we received at the Great Bend Renaissance Festival in June 2010 and the verbal contract struck over the phone in March 2011. Suddenly, both of the previous conversations and agreements, just like our paper application sent into the Festival office in February 2011, have been forgotten/overlooked/misplaced/or disregarded. Since Renaissance Festival of the Midlands, the predecessor festival of Midwest Renaissance Festival, first moved to the Westfair Fair Grounds, The Ladies of the Salty Kiss have only missed performing at this show one time … the year RFotM/MRF was bought by the folks from the St. Louis show. It greatly saddens my heart that those folks who have always viewed The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, our unique and original brand of comedy, and strong females as a threat for what ever reason, have finally succeeded in keeping us from a much beloved event, and the home festival of Amethyst (who in recent years was featured in an article on the festival published in the area newspapers). It further saddens me that we will not be able to hold our traditional Veterans Salute to our brave men and women who have served this country so very well. I humbly apologize to our Veterans for failing in being there to personally thank and honor you for all the freedoms you continue to insure for me and mine. Yours in Service, Captain Emerald Shaunassey and The Ladies of the Salty Kiss
Calling All Sea Dogs and Scoundrels of Some Repute (and Those who have hearts bigger than their deck): I be needing your help, my brethern and sisters of the seas. Due to health and pregnancy complications, the lady who was going to provide children's entertainment and games for the Illinois Renaissance Festival has had to pull out under physician's orders. Our thoughts, prayers, and wishes for an end to the complications and a safe delivery for both mom and baby go out to this courageous lady. Sadly however, we, the board members of the IRF must now find a replacement so that the children of the realm are not forgotten. To that end, I am asking for the assistance of any and all children's realm specialists and volunteers to step forward and contact the festival director, Ms. JoMarie Dugan directly (e-mail found on festival website of: http://www.illinoisrenfaire.com/). We are also in dire need of vendors for our festival - if you or someone you know is a vendor, please see our website for more information. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter - the pulling together of the rennie community is what makes it so very special. Blessings upon you all and my most humble thanks to each, Emerald Shaunassey/K Assistant Director, IRF
Missouri Renaissance Festival
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to Captain Emerald Shaunassey's topic in July
Excellent well! I look forward to putting a face with the name! Quick question to all you knowledgeable folks.... Anyone know of a food vendor that has a "self contained" set up and passable looks for period-ish? Unfortunately, due to sudden serious health conditions, the vendor I'd been talking to has had to pull out. -
Flintlocks from the J.M. Davis Arms Museum
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to Daniel's topic in Captain Twill
J. M. Davis is one of the many surprises here in Oklahoma. It is nice to wander and take in all the arms they have from all periods of history. Glad you got to enjoy you natal day at such a wonderful place! -
Greetings All, Been forever and a day since last I got to jack my jaws with any of ya'll and I miss the entire mangy lot of ya. Taking a "breather" as it were to let my brethern know of my latest adventure as ....... Festival Owner. Ayup, that's right... I've "gone over to the dark side" as it were into Festival Ownership & Management. Don't run frightened for the hills though, I've not been totally corrupted and am still out there performing with the rest of you schmucks! Anyway, the pertinent information on my Festival are as follows: Missouri Renaissance Festival, located in Morse Park, Neosho, Missouri on July 24 & 25, 2010. Hours are: Saturday 10 AM - DUSK, Sunday 11 AM - 6 PM. Admission fees are as follows: 0-5 years old FREE 6-12 yeard old $3.00 each 13-59 years old $5.00 each 60+ years Wise $3.00 each Military (with ID) $3.00 each Festival website: MoRenFest.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kittye.williams?ref=profile#!/group.php?gid=338310440036&ref=ts Open Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MoRF_SWMissouri/ Festival Policies: 1) "Pirate Welcoming" Festival regardless of year/genre/type you portray 2) All bladed weapons (including boarding axes) must be in a sheath that covers the entire blade and must be peace tied (and my security will be zip tying items for added measure) 3) Non-firing Guns & Cannon ONLY 4) DRY EVENT - No Alcohol sold OR allowed onto Faire site - I just don't want to deal with the issues of drunk and disorderly and the city doesn't allow alcohol in the parks either. 5) RV Park and primitive tent camp ground across from Morse Park in Hickory Creek RV park - contact City of Neosho Parks and Recs to reserve your spot! I am still looking for vendors (would LOVE to see a few pirate vendors out at the Festival), need a FOOD VENDOR, and volunteer cast and street acts. Pass the word ... there is a new place to play in SW Missouri! Now back to your regularly scheduled pillaging and rum swilling. Capt'n Emerald
Ahhh.. Bo, darlin'... thank ya kindly for remembering me natal day. I swear, I should stop celebrating natal days - the older I get the worse my case of 'swiss cheese brain' gets! Ah well, at least it weren't quite a month afore I answered your well wishes, LOL!
Having been fed up with the politics, the back stabbings, and the double standards that have run rampant since the inception of the Northwest Arkansas Renaissance Faire; I have resigned my position as one of the few remaining founding Board members and pulled my Stage Show from this show until and unless the owner gets rid of the hanger-ons that are dragging this show into the pig troughs! When I'm told that actors and stage shows should not be paid for their hard work, skills, talent, and efforts and that they are not as important as vendors ... that is when it is time to walk away before I throttle someone! Be warned! Stay away from NWARF in Fayettville, Arkansas unless you want to visit a Medieval Flea Market that has no entertainment (Norman Medieval Faire in Norman, Oklahoma is STILL the better Flea Market Faire, with hundreds of vendors and it has entertainers too!)
Catalog of Crews
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to Black Syren's topic in Find a Crew or Introduce One
Black Syren - When you get a chance to breath and do updates and such. M' Ship be The Salty Kiss; m' name be Captain Emerald Shaunassey. More information can be had to hand by visiting http://www.TheLadiesoftheSaltyKiss.com/; http://www.myspace.com/tlotsk or http://www.myspace.com/theladiesofthesaltykiss, and last but not least, look for us on Facebook at: The Ladies of the Salty Kiss page. Thanks luv! Emerald -
Seeking Pirates
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to BloodyBuckets's topic in Find a Crew or Introduce One
Greetings Bosun Red - I be but one of the Okie Pirates. Captain Emerald Shaunassey at yer service, owner o' The Ladies of the Salty Kiss. We be based out o' the wee town o' Vinita. And m' first mate, Diamond, be a resident o' Tulsey Town. Feel free to give m' a shout when you are out an' about. Fair Winds an' Followin' Seas to thee Cap'n Emerald -
A belated but still heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. I do apologize for being gone so overly long. Life has been chaotic for the last few months but seems to be settling a bit. Either that or this be just the calm afore the real storm hits! At any rate, I am glad to be back among folks that make sense and do not make my head hurt with their .... issues (or subscriptions in some folks case). I be off to look over all the new things that we've here in the pub ... I've quite a bit of catching up to do on postings, I see and I've an official like posting to make to end some mundane business o' mine. Fair Winds an Followin' Seas... Captain Emerald
Working with ill Lad who wants to be a pyrate
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to Scupper's topic in December
Scupper, That truly is hearbreaking to hear. I wish the transplant had taken. I take it they have the lad on reverse isolation at the hospital, aye? If he is, it will be difficult to get/give him things for fear of infection from microbes on the objects (including fresh flowers and fruit). How are his parents holding up? How is he truly holding up? Please do keep us all updated on Josh and his condition. Wonder if there is anyway the hospital could set up a 'clean' laptop so he could recieve e-mails while in the hospital .... at least that way he could electronically get things (pictures, letters, etc) from any interested pirates (BIG hint there). Scupper, since you are 'on the scene' - could you/would you play go-between and see if hospital policy would allow such a thing and if it is truly feasible to pull off (does hospital IT have a spare laptop with wi-fi capabitility?)? I for one would glady sign up to send him things if so. Yours, Emerald -
Syren luv, Though they come to late for your surgery, which from the sounds of things went very well indeed, my thoughts and prayers are with you for the road ahead. Take it easy and don't overdo anything. Take your pain meds and let hubby wait on you hand and foot (what girl doesn't like to be pampered?). Take one day at a time and measure your advancements by being able to sit up without pain, being able to walk across the house without tiring, etc. Small steps now ensures longer, well being strides later on. If you need anything, have hubby holler at me, I'll do all I can. Here's to a well deserved recovery! Emerald
Rumba dear, My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. I wish you nothing but a good surgery, fast recovery in post-op and rehab. Just remember when my fellow nurses come in to get you out of bed that first (or the twentieth) ... we are not the enemy! They are making you hurt like the devil to get you up and get everything moving again like it should. Be sure and ask for a dose of the 'good stuff' before they get you up. Move slowly when you do get up, even after you get to go home. It's going to take a while for you to recover from this major 'beating' but, you will recover and feel oh so much better for it. If you need anything hon, holler and I'll do all I can from where I am. Boats - DON'T let her over do on anything! She's a stubborn one and will try her darndest to push herself to fast. With love and healing thoughts, Emerald
Lookie what I did
Captain Emerald Shaunassey replied to Capt. Bo of the WTF co.'s topic in Scuttlebutt
Bo my friend, I told you no more drinking and chasing deer on those danged Mo hills! Seriously though, I am glad that you where able to get away at all - that was definately way to close for comfort. Recovery will be slow and a painful b**** but, you will get there. Have you "the word" on what damage was done to your knee? Plans for physical therapy? Take it easy and rest often my friend. If ya need anything just holler - your area isn't that much of a drive from here. Emerald