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Status Updates posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Wishing I had a Margarita in one hand and a cheeseburger in the other, layin' in a hammock beachside!

    1. Karadimos


      That sounds good.

    2. Black Syren

      Black Syren

      Hubby just treated me to mexican food AND a margarita! It was good and Im so relaxed. I never drink so this was a treat.

  2. Feeling like I've been keelhauled twice and left marooned.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Either you've said too much or said too little... feel better soon Lady B.

      Jas. Hook

    2. LadyBarbossa


      Thank ye, Hook. Let's just say it's all the above.

      ~Lady B

  3. Marooned and wants to go play pirate... badly! ~Lady B

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      A hug and a rum for the lady.

    2. LadyBarbossa


      Rum huh? Aye, the reason I be savin' m' bottle of Pirate's Choice to when next I get to go play Pirate.

  4. Not feeling like a pirate any more. :( I need a desperate return to piracy.

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      You need an unpleasant, distant and unknown uncle to die and leave you a vast fortune.

    2. LadyBarbossa


      Aye. Then I'd be obtaining a fine ship for all ye to have fun upon! ;)

      ~Lady B

  5. Doesn't he always, Syren? ;)

    1. Black Syren

      Black Syren

      LOL Yup..it's true..he does!

  6. So hot! Need a hammock seaside, with a margarita in one hand and a cheeseburger in the other.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Make it a double-wide and I'll join ya' with a frosty gin n tonic.

      Jas. Hook

  7. Lookin' forward to a Pirate Festival, I need a nice getaway t' have fun with fellow pirates. ~Lady B

  8. MY RUM IS GONE!!!! ::: grabs the whip, is ready to flog the one who took the bottle of Pirate's Choice rum::: ~Lady B

    1. CaptainB


      T'wasn't me! I'd never steal rum from a fellow pirate!

  9. ::: is counting and amused at how many people are pointing out that "The link is not working" :::: LOL

  10. I swear, I'm going even crazier... now I'm seeing an exact double of Sterling about town! o.O

  11. Blue Tooth Sterling.... I like the sound of that. ;)

  12. It's one of those nights that I'm face-palming and ready to curl up and cry "Is this day over yet!!!?" Please say yes. :P

  13. Thanks for the tip on the forum you posted on my DA account m'lady, The Red Gentleman doth appreciate it.

  14. Quote from co-worker: "Stealing is good. Makes everything better! Yes, that includes piracy."

  15. Thanks for the hello

  16. Let the ragging of the hair begin! Hopefully will have that awesome period style hair. ;) ~:Lady B

  17. One's Quarters should NOT be soakin' wet!

  18. Quiet weekend equals lots of outfits can be made!

  19. Computer has a virus and none too happy about it! Desperately wants to keelhaul the blighter who gave my comp a virus! ~Lady B

  20. Ye truly be a colorful lass

  21. I would like to humbly request thy participation in a pirate roleplay entitled "Age of Buccaneers" set in the caribbean during the 1660s http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=17628&st=0&p=394439&fromsearch=1entry394439 you may tell friends if they are interested they are welcome to join.

  22. Thanks so much for the welcome! :)

  23. Is one Pirate in a Blizzard and enjoying it. ~Lady B

  24. Yes, this really was said last night at supper: "Eat your ice cream properly! Not with the sword!!"

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