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Fayma Callahan

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About Fayma Callahan

  • Birthday 08/04/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buffalo, KY
  • Interests
    History Education

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  1. Thank you Master Bagley! 😀
  2. Where can we view the photos from Chris? I am sure I am missing something...lol...
  3. Schtoopid flies....bit me right through me socks...grrr.... I tried the spray and it worked amazingly well for at least awhile. Repeat applications worked most of the day.
  4. Stitch looks comfy!!! 💙
  5. Wish you could pack Spenser too...extra cookie from Auntie Fayma and one for Skye too!! Can't wait to see you!! 😊
  6. All loaded and heading south!!
  7. PS- Halfpint, I LOVE your Stitch!! 😍
  8. Safe travels everyone! 😊
  9. Still packing, but mostly loaded.
  10. Well, if you drank it all...best be getting busy to make more...the Pyrates will be wanting their provisions....🤣
  11. So, we have finished baking the Queen's cakes! Huzzah! We made the following flavors: Pound cake with icing Spice cake with walnuts and raisins Gingerbread Cranberry Walnut Rum Raisin Almond pound cake Orange Vanilla pound cake. We plan on walking around and sharing these and the pralines with all the pirates.
  12. Apple Crisp for dessert. Did I mention the house smells amazing!!
  13. Thank you for sharing this! What a find! You have piqued my interest in finding more information on tea and especially spiced tea. I love spiced tea and cider especially in the cold months. 😊
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