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Caveat emptor

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  1. Ya, free drinks on me, even you bucko. hoist the jolly drunktard.!@
  2. Id buy y dink if yar barmy. looks l1ke 1t!
  3. I'll buy ya 189 proof! The true pirate drink! Wee!!!
  4. Indeed, Cap of the eleventh planet.
  5. Ai, i don't know ya saying, i'm just pretending.....aight!!! Just take my purse......and i'll flip my knife. Have a grog on me or have some steel in your belly!
  6. You need more than a fecking bar........you need to be drunk....vicious, mad, insane......something you are not.......ya faker. True pirates unite!!!!!!!!
  7. Jeroen Tel / Maniacs of Noise - Iron Lord
  8. Mark Tait - Music Demo 2
  9. Hee, hello. I wondered if there are any known Dutch pirates. Probable not but i know the Dutch were active in the caribbeans. (no Piet Hein wasn't a pirate) Just a dumb question, sorry.
  10. Well, you are right about that. Things that aren't fun is multiple threads about "what is your favorite colour" I'm a pirate for god sake!!!
  11. Caveat emptor


    Thanks, but alcohol will do fine! 198 proof will do fine indeed!
  12. Oh yeah flogin' mollys has some nice tunes. Mad caddies has a nice tune on there album "rock the plank" The song is called "weird beard" The rest of the songs ain't that great tho. (not the great ska sound as usual)
  13. Buyer beware. Just loot!
  14. Caveat emptor


    Oi, so this is about beer? I had two Hertog jan and 4 0.5 Heineken. Wee!!!!
  15. I introduce you......me! Hee, i have a cracked version of boulderdash. Arrrggghhh. I have no idea why i signed up here. Maybe because i'm barmy, bonkers, wicked.....or just a lying, looting, stealing pirate. Caveat emptor Edit: is there some "fun" things to do here?
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