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  1. T'was good seein' ye in Petite Lyon this past weeksend, Clay. Wish ye could set up yer Arrbucks at every port. Yer grog tea is ta die for...uh, sorry, no dyin' occured. Uh, just, mmmm good drinkin'. Cannae wait until the next time. Diamond, the Gaoler of the Salty Kiss :
  2. The quartermaster aboard the Salty Kiss uses a cat-o-nines. However, her cat-o-nines is actually nines cat tails on a stick. Kinky.
  3. If you didn't make it out to the first annual NorthWest Arkansas Renaissance Faire, you missed big time. The only faire I've ever been to that had, not only an all female pirate group, but also had an all female joust troup. Just counting down the days to the next one. :)
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