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The Time Keeper

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About The Time Keeper

  • Birthday 09/22/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Upstate New York - Lake Ontario
  • Interests
    Singing and creating hidden clock jewelry for reenactors of historical times and lovers of jewelry. I have been a performer/artisan at the Sterling Renaissance Festival for 17 years or so.

    I work very hard in all that I do. I have been teaching myself guitar since Feb 10, 2009 and have already played for a group and got paid! (No, they didn't pay me to stop playing............. LOL). I even performed for my Class Reunion.

    I hope my ClipClock business grows to the point where my husband can quit his job and help me.

    But my main goal is to be a good human being, respect and love everyone so that my time here counts for something.
  1. Another group of Clocks ready for a new home. clipclocks on eBay Check them out if you can! Thank you! Deanna
  2. Here's some new clocks - a couple relistings in case the "watchers" actually did want to bid and just missed. http://shop.ebay.com/clipclocks/m.html?_dmd=1&_in_kw=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  3. Incredible Clipclocks this week. Bats, Dragons and Bluebirds.......Oh My! Check them out. ClipClocks eBay Auctions
  4. After a wild Easter week with Ukrainian Egg and supplies sales, I'm ready to put more clocks up on eBay! I have 6 ready to go! Check them out. ClipClocks eBay Auctions
  5. There were 6 winners out of 7 for the last group of auctions. This time around I posted one that I made that would never be good for any Historical Reenactor, which makes me wonder ............"What the heck was I thinking???" Take a peek, actually most are a bit weird this week! Must be that bright yellow orb in the sky affecting me. ClipClocks eBay Auctions
  6. More fun themes are up ........ Knight in Shining Armor, Tribal Dangle, a Pirate Gold deblume one plus 4 others! ClipClocks eBay Auctions
  7. Would you please consider the ClipClock site? www.clipclocks.com - Hidden Watch Jewelry. Stay anachronistically correct. Pin it on, Flip it down and be on time.
  8. I have just listed 7 ClipClocks on eBay with starting bids from 9.99 - 15.99. This weeks themes are more Renaissance style..........
  9. I played my first bar chord last night! I got it 3 times out of 20, this morning 3 times out of 12! I'm teaching myself the actual guitar part of James Taylor's "You've got a Friend". I've been strumming it - but now I'm starting to sound like James.................. ha ha, right! I'm afraid it will be a while before this is ready for any video. LOL:D
  10. This weeks Auctions are of a Religious and Whimsical Easter nature. Take a peek! ClipClocks eBay Auctions
  11. Thank you HarborMaster! I was raised in a home of constant music. My Dad had his own band for over 50 years, started as country and gravitated to bluegrass. He was a true entertainer. My Dad is gone now, but I know he's with me because I feel so happy when I play and sing. I've already had some small "gigs" some paid with money, some with food. LOL All in all, I do it because I love it. It sure does give me a bit of confidence to hear from people who aren't relatives. My relatives I assume are just being nice! Have a great Valentine's Day. Deanna (I have two CD's of my Dad on my website for sale and the money goes to our local cancer foundation. So far donations have totaled over $3,500)
  12. Many of you may not know it, but I've been teaching myself to play guitar. I have sung just about my whole life, but wasn't able to play guitar until I got my hearing aids. Now, I can hear the lower notes. What a difference in my world. I have posted this video to youtube as a Happy Valentine's Day card to friends and family AND also as a celebratory song for my 1 year of playing guitar (2/09/2009). So if you are brave Pirates, have a listen. Have your earplugs ready................................. The torture begins with a click Honestly, I hope you enjoy it. Deanna
  13. 6 new clocks up on auction...........
  14. clipclocks Auctions will have selected clocks every week or so for you to check out. Start 'em low and let 'em go! You'll never know what clocks may be on Auction so make clipclocks a favorite seller and you'll get notices of new auctions as they are posted. clipclocks eBay Auctions All my best to you and yours! Deanna
  15. The Time Keeper

    Favorite ClipClocks

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