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About Lilith
- Birthday 11/03/1967
Profile Information
The Port of Algiers
The depth and mystery of the seven seas, the legend and lore of Pirates, a pink sunrise, a heavy gale, a roaring fire on a sandy beach under a moon lit sky, Autumn in Nova Scotia, mending net and canvas, Nautical fixtures of the 17th century, Bedouin trading in a Moroccan bazaar, and exploring undiscovered territory!
“The woman has no clue who or what I am.” Lilith thought to herself. It was obvious by the look on the woman’s face. “Best keep it that way…for now.” Lilith said to herself as she smiled again and lent against the heavy iron bars. “Ouch!” Lilith declared as she winced in pain. She had forgotten about her split lip she received earlier that evening. The confrontation between her and Pinon was not pretty. After the brawl broke out at the inn she went to investigate further. It was then she saw Captain Sterling leaving in the custody of Pinon and several guards. She had lingered behind long enough so know one would have seen her follow…or so she thought. Lilith should have known what type of creature this man was from the very first day she laid eyes upon him. He was considered lowest of the low, even by her standards yet, there was something strangely familiar about him. Perhaps she was drawn to him due to his elusive nature and his uncaring manner. These were the very same qualities she possessed and by her nature, she would consider him an equal…and yet. “Here, let me take a look at you.” Lilly said bending down to offer help. “I don’t need any bloody help!” Lilith barked. Lilly pulled back quickly and looked shocked. Lilith could see that Lilly did not take kindly to being yelled at. Lilith felt pity for her. She would never learn to be strong for herself. This was a type of woman who would always need a man to take care of her…no matter what. “I know you…or at least of you.” Lilith said now holding her bloodied lip. “You’re that Actress from London. Damn! You are far away from home, aren’t you? Aren’t you that Captain’s whore, or something?” Lilith waited to see Lilly’s reaction. Wife, courtesan, mistress or whore, they were all the same in her book. “That is correct.” Lilly muttered softly, then cast her eyes to the ground. Lilith rolled her eyes. “Good God woman, I’m sure that he’s not going to be the last man who you bed. Christ! Only moments ago you were going to toss off that guard who would…” “SHUT UP!” Screamed Lilly. “You know nothing! Do you hear me? YOU KNOW NOTHING! The cell became very quite. Lilith’s cains rattled a bit as she took a seat against iron cell wall. It was then Lilith gave Lilly a stare. “No wonder he left you, not very pleasant to be about are you?" With that, Lilly’s eyes just widened.
^ Very well then....Happiness. < Parents don't know I'm showing up this weekend. It's a surprise party for their 50th wedding anny! V Those of you who are wedded, would you still be married the same way (church, JP...) or would you try something completely different?
Lilith had stumbled out from a tavern as she successfully finished drinking her dinner. The noise that now floated from the other end of the street caught her attention. With her curiosity peaked, she floated through the crowded street until she was smack dab in front of the Royal Grace. The scene was one of chaos and uproar. Now the crowd had gathered as a fight ensued. People where dashing back and forth, the cry for the watch had been given up. Yet, through all this mass hysteria, Lilith’s eyes happened to glimpse a familiar form. She slowly pulled herself back into the shadows and away from those in authority. She now watched as the story unfolded around her.
Lilith wrinkled up her nose in disgust. “Worthless you are.” She muttered as she put her pistol away. “I find it very odd that you didn’t care for him. Most whores don’t care whom they service as long as the men paying well. Besides, Pinon doesn’t take kindly to the answer of ‘no’.” Lilith once again looked over at Sally, watching to see if she would dash off or offer any testimony in her Mistress’ defend. Lilith cocked her hat slightly forward and smiled slyly. “If you do see Pinon again, let him know that Lilith was looking for him. Oh, and if he asks you if I’ve found a bit of Sterling – tell him…I will before he does!” She pushed her way towards the door, but before she left, she turned towards the two women. “Be careful of him…this Pinon. He is a powerful man.”
"And how may I help you?" Nelly asked straightening upon the steps. "I am not in the business of entertaining other women. If you are looking for a Mare, you have come to the wrong house." Lilith just stared at the whore and did not to give as much as a single response to her insult. Sally quickly stood next to her mistress’ side. Both waited to silently to hear what this stranger had to say. “Do not waste my time and I will kill the both of you!” Lilith said pulling a pistol from her belt. “I have come here to get some answers and by God, I will have them. Rumor around port states that you have been in the company of a man named Pinon. Is this true? If so, where can I find him? Quickly now, before I loose my temper.”
Lilith made her way slowly towards a small building known for conducting trysts. As she stood at the front door of the building she looked about just to make sure that she was not being followed. Less than an hour earlier she had ‘made inquires’ about several houses that accommodated men’s fancies. She hoped that she would be successful in her search. Suddenly the front door swung open. “Yes? Who are you?” Remarked the small dark haired girl as she looked Lilith up and down. “I’ve come to inquire about a certain person who may have frequented your Mistress’ establishment in the last few days.” The young dark hair girl again stood her ground. “My Mistress is busy as of the moment; she doesn’t make a habit of talking to strange wo…” “Who is it Sally!?” Lilith heard the voice of another woman over the young girl’s shoulder. “Busy, eh?” With that Lilith forced her away through the front door.
Cat suit!
Lilith awoke with a start. It took her a few moments to realize where she was. It all came back to her when she looked about the kitchen she had made herself at home in and the small chest that she claimed for herself. What it contained was some what of mystery to her. A slip of paper with the letters A.C. upon it long with a list of numbers, a small wooden plate with a rose carved upon it, and a bright red ribbon. Perhaps they were keepsakes or a child’s tokens of amusement. Odd items to be kept cloistered away like that, she thought. She stood up from her make-shift bed and put herself together. She had come to the conclusion that if she was to make any money she would have to move forward and make things happen…and God help those who may get in her way! She quickly gathered the small chest up and set off to find word of two people. One, of course was Captain Sterling and the other, Pinion. “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.” She said to herself. It would be wise to find out more of Pinion’s deals here in Port Royal. Knowing the nature of his habits, she immediately knew where to look. “Find a pretty face, you’ll find him next to it.” Lilith was on her way to visit the red light district of Port Royal.
Es Muentschi zum Geburri!
Lilith spent most of the night hiding from Pinion and the Red Coast guards. The towns people chatted amongst themselves about the recent patrols, murder and death of nobleman...yet, Lilith did not have time to socialize. She was too busy trying to hide. She found refuge in a small burned out building not too far from the docks. She could tell that in its day it was a tavern of considerable size and perhaps health. She drug through the charred remains of the bar and kitchen looking for a bottle of something to partake in, but found nothing left. She sat down near the hearth and looked over the room she now called home for the evening. She never thought she would be hiding. Hiding from Pinion and from the fear of failing again. She pulled from her pocket the false Dutch papers she was to hand over to Pinion the night. “Worthless.” She muttered as she looked at the back of them to make sure that the sealed were still in tact. She also remembered the name that Pinion mentioned, "Sterling". Once again he crossed paths with her. But this time she would be prepared. She looked at the paperwork in her hand, then quickly placed them back into her vest for safe keeping. She rubbed her eyes and lent back against what remained of the structure and tried to get some sleep. But as the she started to drift off, the last thing that caught her eye was something jetting from the hearth stone itself. She moved closer to inspect the item. It appeared to be a small metal chest which has been placed into the wall of the hearth for safe keeping. Lilith quickly pulled her knife from it’s’ sheath and began to pick it free from its stone crypt. Once freed, Lilith inspected the chest once more. The initials “E.H.C.” were plainly carved upon the top of the box. “Well, let’s see what riches you hold, shall we?” She said as she tried to pick the lock free.
“All I asked was one little thing, ‘tis all!” She said again, addressing the lifeless body of her first mate, Twiggs. “Now how can I face that demon Pinon without the Dutch letters?!” She quickly took a seat upon her bunk as her monkey quickly came to her side. Its’ nervous chatter began to try her nerves. “Shall I kill you too?” Lilith uttered in a rough tone tossing it down from her shoulder. It was then the monkey pulled at the bedding on the bed. “I do not have time to take a nap you foolish creature!” Then spotted between the pillow and ticking a small note. On a pale piece of parchment were the words; “Looking for something?” etched in rough hand. She was in no mood for games. Yet, her life was at stake and fearing the rath of Pinon was not something she would take lightly. “Very well.” She muttered as she turned over her linen once more. “Someone on my crew has a death wish, but I will not be out foxed.” From the side panel of her desk she quickly pulled several documents from it. As she quickly ran her hands over each one, she quickly pulled two documents, which were drafted by a Dutch hand. “These will do…for now.” Lilith quickly grabbed her dirk and pistol and headed back to the Inn to meet with Pinon before it was too late.
A great ruckus came from the main cabin. At the first sound of trouble, a deckhand was about to sound the alarm. As he ran to address his better, a sound of breaking glass soon followed and a high pitch scream of a banshee. It was then that all the crew knew that Lilith was in a foul mood. “Damn you!” She shouted at Twiggs as she lofted another bottle in his direction. “What in bloody hell did you do with it!?” Twiggs in a frantic state quickly dodged the bottle and landed under a table. “I placed it back where you told me, Captain. It was there not more than two hours ago!” Lilith pitched her blanket to the floor. “I swear I will kill you if you do not find it. I need to retrieve it before sundown!” Twiggs quickly covered his head as he heard books and charts being tossed to the floor. “If I do not have it in less than an hour’s time I will carve out your eyes, cut out your tongue and send you over the edge of this ship for chum!”
A very happy birthday to you, Flintlock! Enjoy your day and have fun with it!
Lilith’s mind now was spinning as she quickly left the Inn. What had passed between her and Pinon was to say the least, extreamly eventful. “Did I hear him correctly?” She pushed her way through the crowded streets not caring whom she may have trampled on in her mad dash back to her ship. “I cannot believe my damn luck! That man has fallen into my hands once again!?” She quickly dodged a small cart as it aimed for her head on. “Fool!” She shouted at the hawker who quickly corrected his cart in another direction. Her mood now soured, she realized that she had become something she did not like; an instrument in another man’s dealings. It was true that she had made a very profitable arrangement with Lord Darnley in the simple task of delivering a letter to Pinon. But now Lilith was sure that Pinon’s involvement was much more sinister and calculated that she had first imagined. “If there is money involved,” She said as she walked up the gangplank of her ship, “I will have my fair share, that’s for damn sure!” Lilith stood for a moment aboard deck and quickly spotted Twiggs. “TWIGGS!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. “Fetch me a drink and meet me in my cabin…NOW!”
Pinon’s heated tones still rang in her ears and she looked up from the floor. She held her chin for a moment, trying to get her barring. It was then she shot Pinon a deadly look of contempt. “Just like old times, eh Pinon?” She said moving to her feet again grinning all the while. She remembered that he usually hit harder with much more zeal. She had almost forgotten what Pinon was like. She picked up her cap and approached his side. It was a game of cat and mouse between the two of them and the tension between them she knew all too well. It was true that Pinon and she had a heated past. Whether they were passionate for each other’s flesh or for the money they could make from one another, it really did not matter. They were cut from the same cloth and were willing to do anything to obtain their heart’s desire. “I shall bring thee what you wish this night.” She said licking the blood away from her lower lip, and to entice the underlining seduction between the two of them. It was then she quickly looked up into his dark expression. “Did thee say, Sterling?”