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Rabble Rousin' Robin

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About Rabble Rousin' Robin

  • Birthday 01/14/1970

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  1. Thank you, I'll definitely look into the book you recommended. Pleasant dreams... Robin
  2. Hello, I have surfed around through your waters and have found you to be a knowledgeable and helpful sort. I'm trying to write a novel and am at a time where I need a good storm scene. I've got a Brigantine, set with 80-odd crew members sailing from New Orleans on their way to the Spanish Main. I need a hurricane, and I've got one, a nice historical fact acutally and it was quite a nasty one. What I require of you brave souls is advice and information on what would happen. Have any of you sailed through a hurricane? What happens? What would the crew do? How would the vessle handle? I mean to have the mainmast break and the whole lot to limp into a port for repair. Thanking you in advance, your most humble wench Robin
  3. Hi, I'm new here and I've been told you guys are a great bunch of people. I'm interested in the War of 1812, Jean Lafitte and fellow Baratarians. I'm writing a historical novel which incorporates all of the above. Unlike some, I'm researching till my eyes fall out to make sure my novel is as historically accurate as possible. I was told by Wayne Edwards of the New Orleans Historical Society that the most accurate historical works on the Lafittes and the other privateers who operated with them are: The Baratarians and the Battle of New Orleans / by Jane Lucas de Grummond, with Biographical sketches of the veterans of the Battalion of Orleans, 1814-1815 / by Ronald R. Morazan. Baton, Rouge, La. : Legacy Pub. Co., [1979] Renato Beluche, smuggler, privateer, and patriot, 1780-1860 / Jane Lucas De Grummond. Baton Rouge, La. : Louisiana State University Press, c1983 I haven't had a chance to check them out yet because they seem impossible to find up here in Canada. Anyway, possibly this information will be of use to some of you. Robin
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