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About Limpy

  • Birthday 11/07/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    SeaTown Harbour
  • Interests
    Avast! I sail the asphalt shipping lanes for distant booty in me dread Daihatsu, spreading fear and panic among the Accord-lubbers and divers pasty-skinned, lily-livered execs and real estate agents. No wench, one progeny, little gold, lotta heart. Almost chose 'NoBeard', but Limpy suited me style more.
  1. By gum, what more be there to tell? SeaTown Harbour...perchance ye might equivalate that with the Space Needle, them Seahawks and this scurvy trio which monikered themselves "Nirvana"...'tis a fine port of call, but livin' 'ere depletes the booty in grand fashion. So I live meagerly, a reflection of me meagerly means. A swabbie's gotta do what a swabbie's gotta do! Now I beseech of ye all: Another round o' rum! On me!
  2. I s'pose ye be needin' a swabbie by closin' time...arright, one more toss o' The Macallan and I be fit for it. Swabbies with a touch o' the OCD are the best ye can get. ** Bellows out: "LAST CALL!!!"...and ducks **
  3. Good on ye! I shall indeed swab the decks...but among me meager possessions be a fine keg o' Jamaican rum for the 'earties. I was savin' er for such an auspicious occasion as this (Drat!). Best to get 'er down before she should perchance become flotsam, no judgement on yer fine seafarin' abilities. Yet fate can be a cruel mistress to the best of us, and one never knows...Drink up! For the poop deck duties, I have here with me a HAZMAT suit. She's a beaut, she is...OSHA insisted on me 'aving 'er with me for the task.
  4. Swabbie's mate Limpy 'ere, at yer service, ready for action for the good ship and crew' Cap'n! Whatfore shall my first task be, Sir? Me 'ist'ry? Surely! 40 summers under me belt, an ex-wench and one replica. SeaTown Harbour's me port-o'-call. Mode of transport? Well, erm...you mean me Daihatsu Charade? Laugh if ye must, Cap'n, but she's The SS SeaMonkey, and she's all 'eart. "Why Limpy?" Fair 'nuff: A scalawag roll o' rug yard-armed me back while goin' up the stair an' that was the end of me career...and a fine one at that. So, here I be, humbly at thy mercy, to make the best of me middlin' years: Swabbin', carousin', breathin' in the salty air of the CyberSeas. Me exclamation? Simple: "ARRR!" No smooth attack; She comes from the chest and ends naturally. The real way, if I may say so meself! Glad to be aboard, Cap'n; I await further orders...
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