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About KKllivan

  • Birthday 06/06/1962

Profile Information

  • Location
    San Diego
  • Interests
    Pottery, Stained Glass, Artisan Crafts, Ren & Pirate Faires, Modern interpretation of Nautical Music, Stage Combat
  1. *BUMP* I know I'm coming in late to this conversation - but is there a good place to see photos of the event? Thanks *K*
  2. On the other side o' the coin, I'd like to pipe in, in favor of these good pirates! I've bought stuff from them for years as have many of my circle o' friends and have heard nary a word negative about them. As a retail store owner myself, I know from first-hand experience that you may send out a hundred, hundred items that are loved and never hear a word. But when there's a problem...MAN do you hear about it! :) Don't get me wrong...I am not dismissing your bad experience, but just wanted to put in my two cents as someone who thinks this company does a good job. *K*
  3. I love the historical information. I've been a potter for years and never looked into this kind of stuff. It inspred me to do all sorts of internet digging and book-learnin'!
  4. Floggin' Molly is a blast live! Also hard to choose a favorite... hmmm... Time to go listen to the Cds!
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