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captain sea wolf

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  1. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes on PyrateCon 2008!! We felt like we did a lot of good for the city this past year--and turned many a pirate into a lover of the Crescent City in the process. StrangeBay--thanks fer the welcome!! Give my regards to yer lovely better half. And may I request a pint of Pusser's fer the first drink? Bilge--Thanks to ye too fer the kind words. Yer a diamond, mate.
  2. Ahoy mates!! Help us out here with PyrateCon 2008. The last thing we need is people dissing the event when its still 10 months away. We are only in the beginning stages of all this. And please remember--if a celeb offers their services, especially for very little compensation, or the donation of their time, you graciously accept it. Please also realize not everyone lives in Cal. and gets to talk to movie folk. And its not just the fact that people are celebs, its getting to talk to them about their experiences that is half the fun. I had the honor of dinner with Isaac Singleton where he regaled us with tales of filming other movies, like Planet of the Apes. And of course, the city of New Orleans was the real star of the show!!! There will also be speakers and demos and some really awesome things planned in the French Quarter itself. A couple of the organizers, me included, are going to meet with the hotel in July. The whole organizing committee is going to be there in Sept.
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