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About Atrice

  • Birthday 03/04/1982

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    Pirates, pirate reenactment/RP, PotC, history, archaeology, nature, magick and paganism
  1. Uh sounds bad with a snow storm... then ye better stay in here and stay warm... *leans back in chair and takes a good gulp of warm grog* Well... Next day, things really started to happen. We got to sail with our sloop and boarded and commandeered a Danish galleon with a cargo of vanilla. We sold both the galleon and the vanilla to the Dutch Trading Company, who promised us a brig and we got a large sum of money – for rum and grog. There were fight and things happening the entire day. The British marines were constantly fighting us pirates, and someone had captured Sykes and tried to sell him! The Jacobites helped to rescue him, but Beard from our crew was badly wounded. Mouth had to make him recover. Later the same day we set sail again, and captured a brig - we wouldn't need the brig from the Dutch Trading Company after all. So now we had both a sloop and a brig, which was great. And plenty of money! There were other fights that day, among others a woman with “high white hair” had been the one going behind the other pirate’s back! So we worked together with the crew of Red Ruby, and attacked their hut and made quite an impact. After we wounded almost the entire crew, the marines suddenly attacked the hut we were now standing in. They wanted to fire a cannon, but we did not surrender and ran out to fight. After another fight with many wounded, Mouth helped many people, not only our own. He grew tired with having to “glue us together” all the time, and made a deal with the marines while he helped them. They wouldn’t fight us after he helped their doctor, and so we were fine. But anarchy ruled the port of Tortuga, and our captains were so annoyed by that fact. They really wanted to do something to stop the anarchy. During the day we suddenly heard that our brig was being boarded, and had to run to fight. It was the Irish Terrorists boarding us, and we fought our very best. Everyone ended up very badly wounded and British doctor helped us. My arm was hurt though. We had more dealings with the Dutch Trading Company too, and heard of a treasure in the jungle. Said to be El Tigres treasure, he was a legend too. Our crew set out to find this treasure, but in the jungle were savages, wild people! And three of us went down before the rest of them ran. I was paralyzed, and when I woke up again, my feet and hands were tied with rope, and I had an apple in my mouth. Next to me lay the Admiral and Beard. We were helped by a strange man in the jungle, who just wanted some cheese. After we were freed, our crew returned after us, and they had the crew of the Red Ruby with them, and the marines! But before that happened, me, Admiral and Beard crawled after the treasure and got quite a lot of it. I put a handful of jewels in my bag, and did my best to play dead when the savages came near. But they were fought down by our people, and we came out! Dealings with the Dutch Trading Company gave us half the outcome of the treasure, while Red Ruby got 1/3 of the rest and the marines 2/3 of the rest. But… both me and Horse had taken values to ourselves, and back in our own hut we traded some more with the Dutch. What we got from that treasure was much more than we expected, and the captains made sure our crew could get free grog in the tavern from Sykes. *drinks some more of the grog* But that be not the end of the tale yet! During the evening, strange things happened. Rumours of zombies in Tortuga! And they had captured Sykes! Suddenly they came walking, spreading terror around them! People ran into our hut to hide, and everything was chaos. Later in the tavern, Sykes suddenly returned and he was angry as never before. Said he’d leave Tortuga to be a farmer in Yorkshire. It was a sad day. During the evening there were also several smaller fights, because Beard returned to our cabin, saying that a treasure map had been stolen from him. Me, Mouth, Admiral and Munk set out with Beard to get it back. It appeared to be a man called the Jew who had taken it. I went out with the Admiral and Mouth to find the Jew, and we did find him and slay him, but alas, he had already given the map to someone else. And during the fight outside the tavern, Beard was wounded once again (bad habit of his), and a very important little golden elephant was stolen. All while our captains was in a meeting with the Brethren of the Coast. When they returned, they had Duncan with them. They had got more news about me and what Duncan wanted with me. I had told them I could navigate earlier, a man at the tavern in Nombre de Dios taught me, and he also gave me a compass. The man had been navigator aboard the Juggernaut which my father captained, and the compass was from my father. The compas didn’t point north and so it was magical. It lead us to a treasure, and once again… the Dutch Trading Company gave us dubloons. After that it was getting late, and we expected a man called Le Rat – who had meetings with Brethren of the Coast earlier – to show up soon. He had taken our captain’s lucky amulet and wanted 10.000 dubloons in exchange. Like we ever had them… although we almost did, but Le Rat was friends with Death and not a good man to fight. Too little happened though, and our crew decided to take action. But by then it was already too late… Le Rat was gone, nobody know where he went. And the fights were over in Tortuga this time. and that be the end of the tale for now
  2. Aye Siren, that be the same Atrice you're referring to... :) Lady B, so you wan't be to tell my tale here? Want the short or the long version? Let's take the long one, I know how pirates love a good story - especially when it's about other pirates my character was Beatrice, who never knew her father and her mother died when she was 7. She then grew up in a monastary, where the nuns were one day attacked and murdered by pirates - looking for Beatrice! Later on a tavern where she worked, pirates came looking for her again, and she heard a name; Duncan! She took hire on a ship called the Jacobite to get to Tortuga to find out what he wanted.... We had all been doing a good bit of honest piracy, when a Spanish war-galleon named El Conquistador attacked us and we were all captured, except for one captain. So the events began on a day, where the entire crew sat in the prison cells of Tortuga, waiting for our death. The crew on the Jacobite; Captain Lucia Stuart (and/or Lucy), quartermaster Bigbeard/Blackbeard/Beardie, ships “doctor” called Mouth, navigator Munk, Horse/Horst (former Butler), the Admiral (former admiral) and me, Beatrice - also skilled in navigation. So that was where we sat, trying to kill time while talking about all we dreamed about; which was mainly rum. Suddenly something happened outside, and we were freed by the rest of the pirate captains who hadn’t been captured. And so the story could begin! There were fights to begin with, all over, but soon the Jacobites (as we called us) could settle down in our own private hut to make plans. Most important was that we had no money with which to buy rum – and we needed that! But first other things happened. I was out looking for tavern-owner Sykes to find out what a man named Pretty Boy Duncan wanted with me. And Duncan appeared to be really looking for me – for suddenly my captains returned from the tavern, wanting to know my past and what Duncan wanted. There was a reward on my head! At first I refused to tell them anything, but after a bit of… persuation from their side, I told them about my past. I knew nothing about what Duncan wanted with me, but I didn’t want them to sell me either. They decided to do nothing to begin with. But later they returned to our hut… with Duncan himself! He claimed I had something from my father on me, it had to be a map or an amulet or something. He wouldn’t tell why or what, but he did tell me who my father was – none less than the Iron Hook himself is my father! (Iron Hook is a legend, his ship was the Juggernaut and Sykes was his quartermaster). I was pretty surprised, as you can imagine. The captains (Lucy and Lucia) said to Duncan they would search me. But they never found anything on me, and I had no idea what they should be looking for. I knew as much as them. I stayed with the Jacobites, and we managed to get a sloop from the Dutch Trading Company. We never got to set sail on that night though. and that's what happened during the first evening of my participation in the pirate LARP... want to hear more?
  3. Yeah it is, and it's been my pirate-name for years... now even more than before, since my name/character was Beatrice through the pirate-LARP I participated in last weekend - which was by the way great Charity, not surprised to see you here mate
  4. Yeah this round is on me... pour the grog and/or the rum thanks for all the welcomes, but could one expect anything else from a bunch of pirates? If rum's around, then there be pirates :)
  5. Ahoy there I've been recommended this site several times, and now I decided to sign up... I'm a 24 year old piratess, living in and roaming Denmark. I've loved pirates for years, so much that I even dress as much pirate as I can daily too. I love to be pirate, to watch pirate movies and to talk about pirates. And to participate in every pirate event I can :) in fact, I just returned today from a very good weekend together with 80 other crazy pirates, for some live RP, and it was really great. I might post my experiences, my story somewhere here, I had a cool character and her story turned out to be more interesting than I ever imagined. It's been the first time I participated in live pirate-roleplay, but definetly not the last time... drink up me hearties yo ho! ~Atrice~
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