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Scarlett Morgan

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About Scarlett Morgan

  • Birthday 04/29/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
  1. Captain Jack Sparrow...savvy?
  2. Most female pirates I have seen wear those bloody skirts...not pants. (I detest skirts and certainly wouldn't sail with 'em.) Either way, I would like to see pics of some female pirates wearin pants, if there be any.
  3. I am trying to find a really good pirate message to put on my voicemail but have had no luck. Do you know of any or have any good ideas for one? I have the voice to record it in if I find a decent "script". A penny for your thoughts.
  4. Damnation you guys have awesome jobs! One day I hope to be that cool. Right now I am a lowly preschool teacher, a single mom, and a full time college student. THree semsters and I move up in rank to a Jr. high/high school teacher....YEAH! Eventually I want to teach at a university...history in general but I'm looking for something more specific for my Ph.D.
  5. Me name is rather simple. Ta me Scarlett represents passion and beauty. I like the hypocrisy behind Sir Henry Morgan's exploits and I like the thought of rumrunning and went with his last name. 'ere I did not add the "Lady" to the beginin since sometimes it meets with jests about me piratical abilities(then they meet with me blade)...but it 'as its own story.
  6. 'ere is two pics, neither very good. Tis only one version of me costume and not fully complete. Twas in a 'urry that night. [/font]
  7. Be thankful those of you who have good memories...they alone are worth their weight in gold. Whoever said "To 'ave loved and lost is better than to 'ave loved at all" has never been there. I 'ope one day to find the scurvy dog who is crazy enough to handle me but I wouln't bet me ship on it mate.
  8. "Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." Mae West
  9. Methinks this 'ere port is good for me own gold....did I forget t'mention that I be a purveyor of rum? Drink up me hearties!
  10. "Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." George Carlin
  11. Methinks I should stay awhile. Drinks all around!
  12. I was signaled by Cap'n Blackfoot that this be a fine port, so I dropped in for a little visit. My name is Scarlett Morgan and I be stuck on this god forsaken spit of land called Oklahoma. I hear tell of some fine pirates in these waters and would like to make their acquiantance, savy?
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