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Everything posted by michaelsbagley

  1. Wow, Madder and Woad... Blue and red seem to go back further than the Middle Ages... I've sat through many a lecture on dyeing in the Dark Ages (and actually learned something in doing so ), and those two dyes with Weld (which produces yellow or green depending on how you use it) seem to be the most common dye stuffs used by most European cultures throughout most of history based on what Kass is saying here. Indigo was used in the Dark Ages as well, but was more scarce and a little more costly than Woad, and hence was more of an "Upper Class thing" (in the Dark Ages at least). So was Weld still used this late in history as well? Or did it fall out of use sometime in the seven or eight hundred years between the late Dark Ages and the GAoP? I'm actually happy that some of my knowledge of early period re-enacting is carrying over...
  2. Thanks Kass, The proportions of the line drawing you posted made the outfit look rather... well, unappealing to (in my eyes anyway)... But after seeing Patrick Hand in a reconstruction of that outfit or one simialr to it) in the photo he posted, it actually looks rather good. (Hat's off to you Patrick, and/or your clothing maker). Thanks for sharing the photo of the reconstruction... It really gies a far better impression of the outfit than the line drawing does!
  3. Did this movie only get released in "limited engagement"... I have not seen any local listing for it showing in any theatres... Or has it just not been released yet? I can wait for the DVD, but I would rather see it on the big screen.
  4. You forgot the "quay" spelling of the words "key" or "cay"....
  5. Do you mean Cossacks, as in the horsemen of the Russian steppes? Now that you mention it, the depiction looks very much like a cossack. Thanks Kathryn!
  6. Ya know, after hearing Foxe's description... I got an image in my mind of a very basic canvas smock with a keyhole neck line.... I pretty much lost all interest... I'm making some pretty ig concessions with my garb by going for an "average seaman" type portrayal rather than something fancy and pretty... (Although after I get a basic set of starter garb done for an average sailor type portrayal I will make something nicer for vanity wear)... But after seeing that picture... Gack! That is hideous looking! I guess it may suit some tastes... The pants in that photo look very much like what Viking age Rus baloon pants are supposed to... What is the provenance of that drawing? Is it a picture of a Russian or Eastern European? Or something else entirely?
  7. Okay, I've done enough reading to know what the short sailor's (or common man's) jacket's are... But what is a sailor's frock? Is it something between one of the common man's jacket and a frock? Or is it another term for the justicorps? And does Kass have a pattern for said garment? Which one is it, if so? Just trying to get the garb lingo straightened out...
  8. For boat hooks, is there any comments or evidence to whether they were split socketed, or cone socketed? It's not a cruicial issue for me, but a little detail I am curious about... To make sure I am being clear as to the terms I am using, both sockets are essentially the same, but the split socketed term denotes that the socket has a split running the length of the socket to allow for easier cinching of the metal to the wooden shaft.
  9. I am so envious... Captain Sterling, that is an incedibly array of toys, clothes, books etc.... Having just moved from a large apartment of my own, to a mid-size apartment with my lady, I had to give away, sell, or just outright dump many of my belongings... Moving from one country to another helped force this mass disposal of my precsious goods.... But I have finally talked the woman into getting a larger place, so while I have no real workplace of my own for the moment, when the lease to her/our apartment runs out in a few months, and we move into a larger place, I will again build myself a sanctum to my hobbies!
  10. All told, I think I would prefer Williamburg as well... Even though tt would be an additional 2 and a half hours of a drive for me... From all I've heard and read there would be more of interest to me in Williamsburg than Gettsburg... Now to play Devil's advocate with myself, from what Kass said about Gettysburg being cheaper for conference space, and just knowing that the event being in Gettsburg would likely draw a larger American Civil War crowd, I think it would probably be better for the interests of the RF 2.5 to have the Festival in Gettsburg...
  11. I heard about it through a Dark Age Saxon and Norse group... Alhtough from some of the talk on thier chat board, it sounds like some of the group's member also do black powder re-enacting and have links in those communities... Not sure if they also do American Civil War, American Rev-War, or 1812 stuff (or all of hte above, or something else entirely)... But it sounds like a great opportunity to help spread pirate re-enacting in the lmostly land-locked mid-west...
  12. Cool! Heres to the oversight of others for the purpose of your claim to fame!
  13. I think I'm going to have to vote for Elizabeth Swan.... Or does she count as a pirate? Otherwise I would have to say Barbossa.... Geoffrey Rush just plays a hate-able character far too well...
  14. Not to throw a wrench at your monkey Rumba.... But couldn't there conceivably be a "STAR WRS" liscence plate in each state? I just moved to the USA, so I don't know if liscence plates are unique within the whole country, or if each state has it's own run, and hence there could be 50 "STAR WRS" liscence plates... I do hope that no steals your plates again, and certainly hope that no one tries to steal your whole truck to get the plates...
  15. Cross Posted from a yahoo forum for those who may be interested. Forest Glen Timeline Event Scheduled! Posted by: "Folo Watkins" Thu Jan 4, 2007 8:23 pm (PST) I received word yesterday that the timeline will be held on the weekend of 28 April, 2007! Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone or any list that might be interested. Forest Glen, the site of many AWI, ACW, pioneer, wild West and medieval (among others) reenactments is attempting to hold its first timeline event. There will be period camping, modern camping and space for demonstrations & battle tacticals. The public is invited. Sutlers, crafters and other vendors of living-history goods are also welcome! If you, your unit or your group is interested in participating, drop us a line. Further information may be found at http://www.advancenet.net/folo/FGTL.htm and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MidwestTimeline/ Cheers, Folo
  16. Ya know reading this thread helped save me a very big "Ooooops!" My girlfriend has been insisting that we attend the Star Wars Celebration IV (we are bothe big fans, perhaps her a bit more than me though)... So the first post in this thread mentions that the event is in Las Angeles.... Both my girlfriend and I have been under the impression that the event was going to be in Las Vegas.... I'm glad we haven't booked flights or anything like that yet. I'm hoping the fact that the event will be in LA rather than Vegas will quell her constant jokes about a Star Wars themed wedding... I hope she was joking, specially about the part where she wanted me to play the role of Amidala for the ceremony. So as I will now be in LA over Memorial Day weekend rather than Vegas, does anyone know of any piratical events happenning in the vacinity at that time, just in case I get a bit Star Warsed out...
  17. ^ = My ripped jeans and a T-Shirt (I was tempted to be very naughty with this) < = My favourite T-Shirt is a picture of the Pilsbury Doughboy with the quote "Poke me and Die!" on it.... V = Describe your favourite T-Shirt? (Kind of a dull question, but I'm half asleep from working all day)...
  18. Sorry there was a bit of a misunderstanding on my part with regards to the wooden swords as well... Reading through the description of the wooden swords, I saw the word "rattan", and automatically assumed they were designed and made for SCA use, and did not even think of singlesticking, which is what you were referencing. My apologies for not reading more thoroughly.
  19. I've not personally bought from any of these... But, I have heard of the first two (Popinjays and Zen Warrior), both have a good reputation (from what I have heard), but I have heard more good things about Zen Warrior than the other... As for woodenswords, do they even carry anything other than wooden swords? Not very period looking in my opinion... Great for SCA style stuff, but probably not the best choice for a more Living History environment. I've been looking into getting a safe fencing blade for this era as well, as well as some others, there is a thread called "A Functional Cutlass" in the Plunder section of this forum that has some other links and options... Although some of the links and swords mentioned in the other thread are sharps, there are many references to fencing or combat safe blades. Good luck in your hunt, and please do share your thoughts on whatever you do decide on!
  20. Thanks for sharing the recipe Cpt. Sterling!
  21. Since this talk has digressed a bit, I have a friend who has been pining over a good Welsh Rarebit recipe for some time... I helped her look around online for such a thing a short time ago, and we did find a few receipes, but I'm not sure if any of them were quite right. If any of you would be willing to share your recipe, I'm sure my friend would greatly appreciate it. I may even give it a go myself. You can Private message me the recipe, or if you would prefer post it in the appropriate section of the pub as I'm sure there would be others that would appreciate it as well....
  22. I found this on the web about fruitcake.... Which means it may not be a reliable sourcce.... http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/Cak...s/Fruitcake.htm 1700s - In Europe, a ceremonial type of fruitcake was baked at the end of the nut harvest and saved and eaten the next year to celebrate the beginning of the next harvest, hoping it will bring them another successful harvest. After the harvest, nuts were mixed and made into a fruitcake that was saved until the following year. At that time, previous year's fruitcakes were consumed in the hope that its symbolism would bring the blessing of another successful harvest. Also I found this timeline of foods which may be interesting to some... http://www.foodtimeline.org/ Again a web source, so it could use some primary source confirmation... I randomly checked a few of the links on the timeline, I found at least one of the links leads to a photocopy/scna/photo of a newspaper article that is dated to 1685, and at a glance most of the other links seem to cite sources...
  23. CrazyChole, You've got a perfectly valid point... But there is another way of looking at things... At a re-enactment or living history event, you can be the rock star, or the educator. The combatants do get the most attention and draw the biggest crowds, but they get asked the same handful of questions (for the most part) over and over again. The crafts-people and artisans draw much smaller crowds, but they tend to draw better more focussed crowds that ask more interesting questions... I've been on the battlefield many many times, as well as done more esoteric skill or craft displays, and to be honest, I prefer the smaller crowds and more engrossed conversations of the small crowds than answering the same handful of questions about weapons and comat dozens of times over and over again. Hope this helps shed a new light on possible offers you a new perspective on things for you.
  24. Oh, for an online source of manuals on how to do these dances, you can see this web site.... http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/~praetzel/Del/www....ntry_dance.html The web site explains the steps, has sample music, and bibliographical notes if you are interetsed.
  25. I just had a quick look through the source Kass quoted, and I recognize a great many of those dances... I learned a great many of them at Pennsic.... and if I am connecting some unrelated dots in the correct manner, it seems that "English Country Dancing" is what is correct for the GAoP.. And if so, many SCA groups know and practice these dances despite the fact that they were created after the period the SCA generally covers. And if I have connected the dots correctly, it would seem that I am already somewhat schooled in period correct dancing for the GAoP... Great for me, but on that note, the SCA would be a good way for anyone interested to learn those dances. I am not generally a big advocate of the SCA (nor do I naysay it).... I should just stop there before I put my foot in my mouth and just state that the SCA is a good place to learn English Country Dance.
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