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About michaelsbagley

  • Birthday 02/05/1973

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    Columbus, Ohio
  • Interests
    I've pretty much "soft" sworn off pirate re-enacting these days. I am DEFINITELY not of a "never again" mindset, but pretty strongly disinclined under most circumstances. But I do miss some of the people. Also, I do mostly still reenact the late 17th/early 18th century timeframe, so feel there is still information to be gleamed/shared from that perspective.

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  1. And I too would like to share what my secret Santa (Duchess) sent me for the pub gift exchange. I received a splendid collection of period repro card decks. A perfect assortment for the chrono-disjointed differing eras I reenact within. A very nice collection of wooden dice in a linen bag (that might see use in modern gaming as well as at reenactments), and a freaking awesome rustic hand-bound journal, made up from hand-laid pages. And a hand-block-printed card... which is always the crowning glory of a great holiday gift.
  2. Mine arrived yesterday, which is weird.... as I normally do not receive mail on Sundays. But so excited to open it on Wednesday morning. To my recipient.... it went out today. I paid a little extra for expedited shipping, but still no guarantees it will get there "in time". But by Thurs or Friday at the latest.
  3. So for the "Things said at..." During some hefty imbibing Saturday night, I made the comment that "Reenacting is just trauma bonding." To expand on that statement, now that I'm sober, "reenacting is just trauma bonding over circumstances we put ourselves into" i think is a more complete manner of looking at it. I had a great time, but sadly missed many who didn't make, quite too many who had to cancel close to last minute because of various random sideswipes from the "real world". Looking forward to seeing everyone, and more again there next December.
  4. Awesome work. You should be proud. Very little is more difficult than tailoring a fitted garment to oneself.
  5. I've participated in this most years I have been active on the forum... so why should this year be any different. Count me in.
  6. What Mark said, the wrinkles make it difficult to truly tell, but at a glance, it is looking very much on the right track.
  7. These are still the best comics ever
  8. This is going a little bit more off the rails.... But I have often contemplated getting back into home-brewing and using 2.5 to 3 gallon corny-kegs... and then hiding said small corny-key in a period barrel (I have one the correct size) with a small Co2 cannister (like a large paintball gun size Co2 cannister).... Perfect way to have beer on tap at an event and keep it sanitary and period looking. It would be a small investment in money (for the half-size corny-kegs, which are more expensive than the standard size 5 gallon ones that are easier to find)... and the rest of the accessories required for kegging home-brew.... but it is an idea that keeps cropping up in my head every year or two. I really need to stop contemplating the idea, and actually hop to it.
  9. I've honestly thought about it for the standard Blood & Plunder game
  10. You say that like it's a bad thing... 😇
  11. What facet of the sleeve shape isn't sitting right with you? I've noticed the "suggested" pleating as per the out-of-box (bag) pattern tends to be too much (too snug) for almost every one I have made.... So I can suggest up front, easing the pleating on the sleeves a fair bit. Is the shape the opening? How it has what might seem like a steep arc to it? (going to go on a limb and answer to this assumption, let me know if I was wrong so I can try and be more helpful)... But the way the opening arcs, allows the cuffs once attached, to hang in a manner that will have the outside slightly lower than the inside (when your arms are comfortably hanging at your sides) as is depicted in much of the period art-work. I don't think there is any function to this, I think it is just the "fashion of the time" being different from modern fashion/comfort standards, and so seems weird.
  12. Damn, that redware is an awesome find at an amazing price. Great score!
  13. So this came up on my soc media feed today, a rather great and detailed YuToob interview with our very own Barber-Surgeon.
  14. I'm not a culinary expert, but I think allum is used in baking, especially with merangues or other things with lots of whipped egg as an agent to help preserve/prolong the frothing of the eggs (and likely other frothy things). I thinks it's universally optional, but some "more serious" bakers prefer it for the slightly improved results.
  15. Oh, and I have found that as long as a working-class/common-woman's mantua can be cut and constructed from 5 or less yards of fabric. I think we managed to scrape a knee length (barely below the knee) mantua out of just over 4 yard of fabric once.... but this was after all of the oppsie-discoveries of how long to cut the front/back and gores and other parts. Cheap fabric was crucial in mathing out that.
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