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Hacksaw Riley

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Everything posted by Hacksaw Riley

  1. They sure are. Some of the best stories also, except for proctologists.
  2. Welcome, a Sam Adams please.
  3. Coroner's asst. I see dead people.
  4. Correct. I did trip on a small step at the tour and fell *into* the vat, not truly IN to the vat. #2 While working in the coroner's office, we had a jumper that had been underwater for a while. With the muscles decaying, the stomach tightened, forcing the air and gases to expel and the body sat upright and made a loud moaning noise. Scared the sh!t out of us. #3 The Pats came and did a tour of our hospital and threw a couple of balls with the kids. We helped out directing them around and I got to throw a few passes. So, technically I played football with the Patriots.
  5. ^ Wow. Caddyshack or Fletch. < Don't have as strong a stomach as I should, but I'm working on it. V Scariest (frightening-wise) thing that has ever happened to you?
  6. Cool thread. Here's mine: #1 I once fell into a vat of Sam Adams while on the brewery tour. #2 I saw a dead man, truly lifeless, (not a re-enactor) speak. #3 I played football with the New England Patriots.
  7. 69% Ironic.
  8. <-- Tools of my trade.
  9. After last night's shift, just a tall Sam Adams and an extra cheese and bacon burger please, William.
  10. Well put. If you need another blade Aurore, I have plenty.
  11. Welcome from another new 'member' here.
  12. <pulls dagger from pocket and spins the point on the bar> Don't know if I can understand your 'welcome' there.
  13. <pulls head down into the neck of my coat> I've just lost my head with all the welcomes around here. Barkeep, another round for my new mates.
  14. ^ Not going out, just thought I'd answer the door in my scrubs. < Have a nagging headache from a wedding this weekend. V Worst bout with a hangover you've ever had?
  15. Aye, aye Captain Daniels. The purse be as full as the kegs here. Cheers to one and all!
  16. I'd have to bring antiseptic, anesthesia (or chloroform), sterile dressings, iodine, syringes, Vitamin C, B12, general antibiotics, soap, and some peanut butter. I know I have a few more, but it's all I can think of for right now.
  17. Yessir William. That I am. Mad Matt, how about an S.A. Octoberfest?
  18. ^ Yes, I was in a bar fight in South Boston once. < Dead people freak me out V Fastest you've ever driven (or rode alongside) in an automobile?
  19. Lucky guess Anyone else? Not that I mind being here alone with the lady. Barkeep, another Sam Adams, please.
  20. Of course Captain. Extra cherries perhaps?
  21. Sorry about the crimson stains, but I didn't have time to change out of my work clothes. Looking at you all here seems like I might just fit in fine. I've been reading along and finally had the chance to log in. I understand I buy the first round. Oh, but I did wash my hands. And by the way, if there are any ships in port in need of a good limb detachment specialist, I can vouch for my own work.
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