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Hacksaw Riley

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About Hacksaw Riley

  • Birthday 08/26/1974

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    Sharp things.
  1. They sure are. Some of the best stories also, except for proctologists.
  2. Welcome, a Sam Adams please.
  3. Coroner's asst. I see dead people.
  4. Correct. I did trip on a small step at the tour and fell *into* the vat, not truly IN to the vat. #2 While working in the coroner's office, we had a jumper that had been underwater for a while. With the muscles decaying, the stomach tightened, forcing the air and gases to expel and the body sat upright and made a loud moaning noise. Scared the sh!t out of us. #3 The Pats came and did a tour of our hospital and threw a couple of balls with the kids. We helped out directing them around and I got to throw a few passes. So, technically I played football with the Patriots.
  5. ^ Wow. Caddyshack or Fletch. < Don't have as strong a stomach as I should, but I'm working on it. V Scariest (frightening-wise) thing that has ever happened to you?
  6. Cool thread. Here's mine: #1 I once fell into a vat of Sam Adams while on the brewery tour. #2 I saw a dead man, truly lifeless, (not a re-enactor) speak. #3 I played football with the New England Patriots.
  7. 69% Ironic.
  8. <-- Tools of my trade.
  9. After last night's shift, just a tall Sam Adams and an extra cheese and bacon burger please, William.
  10. Well put. If you need another blade Aurore, I have plenty.
  11. Welcome from another new 'member' here.
  12. <pulls dagger from pocket and spins the point on the bar> Don't know if I can understand your 'welcome' there.
  13. <pulls head down into the neck of my coat> I've just lost my head with all the welcomes around here. Barkeep, another round for my new mates.
  14. ^ Not going out, just thought I'd answer the door in my scrubs. < Have a nagging headache from a wedding this weekend. V Worst bout with a hangover you've ever had?
  15. Aye, aye Captain Daniels. The purse be as full as the kegs here. Cheers to one and all!
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