Following instructions, young Mr. Davis raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. As he began to look around the kitchen he quickly turned and discovered the girl he had abruptly met earlier. More surprising was the unsolicited offer of assistance and her interest in his name, which caught him completely off guard.
"Who me? Well, I'm.. I'm Davis.... " the young man stammered, then cleared his throat and stood up straight with pride. "That is ahm, Nathaniel Davis, of the Archangel."
"I see..." replied the young girl, with a playful smile as she looked away.
"Well I better be going.." replied Davis. "
"Perhaps Mr. Davis, I will see you again when you are not so busy?" Offered the young girl.
"Perhaps.." Smiled Davis "Miss??"
"Bess..." Added the young girl, with a smile that cause Davis' heart to skip a beat.