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Bess Haggardy

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Everything posted by Bess Haggardy

  1. Happy birthday!!! Best wishes to you lady!
  2. Oooh Bacon Scented Soap! Yes, you heard me right William.

    1. Ransom


      The connotations with that are endless...nibbling, for instance.

    2. Bess Haggardy

      Bess Haggardy

      Well...I must admit the captain's dog just loves me now.

  3. Mead is one of those Hurry Up and Wait foods...Damn!

  4. France? France!? You went to France and didn't take me?!? :::whimpers::: I could have slipped in at the French Records hall and obtained de Kalb's letters. ;)

    ~Lady B

  5. Bess Haggardy

    Bess Hagarty

    Pictorial of Bess Hagarty - Indentured Servant and her daily life
  6. Bess Haggardy

    Bess Hagarty - Mistress of the Bees

    Photos and sketchings of period items and scenes for the practice of Beekeeping...and when you have Bees....you have...TaDa...MEAD!!!
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